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A/N so this is super long and a little different than my normal stuff - let me know what you thing :)

This could not be happening.

It was the first day of summer holidays, and Remus had given his father specific instructions to let him sleep as long as possible to recover from the recent full moon. Yet here he was, being awakened at the crack of dawn by incessant banging around the front of the house.

Remus rolled over in bed and pulled his pillow closer to him. Maybe if he just ignored it -

Bang bang bang!

With a loud groan, Remus threw his blankets off and stood, ready to take whatever tool his father was using in the garage and hit it with a nice Incendio spell.

He made his way down the stairs, grumbling half-baked threats as he went. His irritation grew when he realized the sound was coming from the front door. His father was known to tinker with things before he went to work, but who the bloody hell shows up to someone else's home before sunrise?

Anger rolling off him in palpable waves, Remus whipped open the front door. "Who the fu-"

His venomous words died in his throat as he took in the broken boy standing in front of him. Trembling hands adjusted a bedraggled duffle bag on his shoulder before running through his long, damp hair. He fidgeted on the porch, obscuring the left side of his face until prompted to look up by a gentle hand. The black eye that stood out prominently against the pale skin around it made Remus gasp.

"Sirius?" Remus whispered. "What are you...what happened? Where's James?"

"Is your dad home?" Sirius asked quietly, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"No, he must have already left for work."

Some of the tension left Sirius's body. "That gives us some time."

Remus moved aside as Sirius stepped through the doorway. He wanted to ask a million questions all at once, but he knew Sirius needed a moment to collect himself. Quietly taking Sirius in his arms, he focused his burning curiosity and concern on his own breathing pattern. Sirius always calmed down to the best of Remus's heart and the movement of his breathing, felt right under the spot where Sirius's head reached on Remus's chest.

The couple stood in their own little corner of the universe for what felt like forever, but even forever had to end.

"They found me," Sirius whispered, a tear leaking out of his bruised eye and dropping onto Remus's shirt.

Remus knew the answer to his next question, but he asked it anyways: "Who?"

"My parents," mumbled Sirius, he pulled out of Remus's arms and laughed weakly as he attempted to wipe his tears away. "It was so stupid - James and I were just messing about with his snitch and I used Accio without thinking. The trace went off at the ministry and I guess someone must have told them."

He squared his shoulders and looked Remus in the eye. "They couldn't get through the floo or the protective wards, but I stepped outside of them to go to the Muggle shop for Mrs. Potter, and...well..."

Remus pulled him back into his arms, trying to hold back his own tears. He had known a bit about the horrible home life Sirius came from, but he didn't have many details; Sirius was pretty private about that part of his life. He stroked Sirius's hair as he tried to come up with something - anything - to say to comfort the boy he loved. But what can you say to someone who was run out of the one place they thought was their safe haven?

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