Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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A/N I know that this song didn't come out until after the Marauders' time at Hogwarts so they wouldn't know it but just roll with me on this idea. Enjoy!!

There was no group more stressed at the end of the school year than the fifth years. With O.W.L.s looming over their heads and pressure mounting to choose a career path, they were constantly on the lookout for any distractions from their study-and-panic sessions.

The Gryffindor common room was a typical place to find these students in the middle of the night. Fifth years of all houses - even the Slytherins - were invited into the tower to complain, nap, gorge on sweets, and, most importantly, play games with the smuggled alcohol supplied by the Marauders.

Tonight's game was Truth or Dare, which Remus normally excelled at. He always chose Dare on his turn, just to avoid revealing any more secrets than he had to to his peers. Everyone was normally so drunk that, come morning, they wouldn't remember what he had been dared to do anyway.

Unfortunately for Remus, the number of good, creative dares was running low this Saturday night. The game had morphed into a simple game of truths. Remus was up next, and he prayed to whatever deities that were out there that James would go easy on him.

James looks around the circle, scrutinizing every face before turning to Remus. "Do you have a crush on anyone sitting in this circle, Remus?"

Remus felt the blood drain from his face. He had been so careful. So bloody careful to hide it, hide the blushes, the nervous neck scratches, the stutters. He went through each day determined to push his feelings way, way down so that no one could suspect that, on top of being a werewolf, he was gay.

How the hell did James know?

Remus gulped after realizing all eyes had turned to him while he was panicking internally. He had to answer truthfully, though - he knew they'd catch him if he lied.

"Yes," he mumbled, eyes glued to the floor.

"I knew it!" James exclaimed. He started looking at his fellow fifth years with new interest. "Who's the lucky girl, then? Is it Mar? Dorcas? Emmeline?"

Remus looked up sharply at James, but the bespectacled boy continued on his list of only female possibilities.

"Wait - it's not Evans, is it? Because if it is, Moons, I swear to Godric-"

Remus started to chuckle as Lily question James's assumed authority to fight anyone with a crush on her. While the two bickered, Remus let out a sigh of relief. James didn't know the full extent of his secret, and for now he was happy to keep it that way.

"I'm not telling you, Prongs," he said. "That's not the game - you can't ask two questions in a row."

Out of the corner of his eye, Remus thought he saw Sirius relax and let go of the tension that had gripped his body ever since James had asked his question. All night Sirius had seemed off to Remus, though no one else seemed to have noticed - but then again, no one was nearly as hyper aware of Sirius's moods and movements as Remus was.

Remus turned to him. "Are you okay, Sirius?" Sirius glanced up at him.  "You seem a little-"

He was cut off by James.

"Fine, don't tell us" James said with a roll of his eyes. "I'll just ask you on your next-"

"Gee, would you look at the time," Sirius announced loudly. "I think it's about time that we all head to bed." He stood and stretched, and the way his white t-shirt rode up on his torso made Remus's throat go dry.

James immediately began to protest. "Padfoot, you wanted to play in the first place! We haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet."

Sirius shook his head at James. "I think we should call it a night," he replied coolly.

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