I Wanna Hold Your Hand

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muggle AU inspired by a short story idea my boss gave to me and my love of Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe :) ps this cover of this song made me want to cry so enjoy that

"I bet you could sometimes find all the mysteries of the universe in someone's hand."

Remus sniffled a bit as he closed his book and placed it on the checkered blanket under him. He closed his eyes, relishing in the unseasonably warm spring day and attempting to vanquish the feelings of loneliness that had crept inside him.

He inhaled deeply and opened his eyes, looking around at the rest of the park visitors. Squealing children chased each other around the playground. Old people fed birds on benches. Dogs ran after tennis balls thrown by their enthusiastic owners. Couples strolled hand-in-hand along the pathway.

They all had someone to talk to, someone to spend time with, someone to love. 

Remus had no one.

His thoughts drifted to the characters of his book, wishing his own story could be like that. Sure, there would be some tragedy and inner turmoil, but he would have a guaranteed happy ending with someone he loved. At least that's what he assumed would happen -  he hand't actually finished the book yet.

His thoughts were interrupted when he caught a whiff of cigarette smoke. He wrinkled his nose in disgust, searching for the source.

When he found it, he wasn't so disgusted anymore. In fact, quite the opposite.

On a bench across the pathway from the tree he was sitting at sat the most gorgeous guy he had ever seen. Long black hair, pouty pink lips, ripped biceps shown off by a black muscle shirt and toned legs accented by skin-tight jeans. A cigarette dangled between his fingers as he sat with his eyes closed. 

Remus stared for far too long, looking away only when the stranger's eyelids snapped open and his steely gray eyes locked with Remus's.

Blushing, Remus busied himself with packing up his book, bottle of tea, and blanket. As he went to grab the blanket's corner to begin folding it, he found himself struggling with a newfound obstacle. Black boots now stood on the section he was trying to yank.

He glanced up at the human obstacle, meeting the eyes of the stranger he had been checking out. Of course.

"Leaving so soon, on a beautiful day like today?" the stranger asked, flashing Remus a grin full of perfect teeth.

Remus shrugged. "I guess so, yeah. Got to a good place to put my book down."

And my book seriously depressed me about how utterly alone I am, he added mentally.

"May I?" the stranger gestured to the blanket. Remus shrugged, unsure of why this hot guy would want to sit down with him but unwilling to say no.

The stranger sat quickly, fidgeted for a moment, then, evidently deciding sitting was too uncomfortable, lay down on his back next to Remus. Remus could only stare at the way his hair fanned out around his face and the sun made his skin glow; he was so captivated by the image that he didn't register the words that the stranger spoke next.

"S-Sorry, what?" Remus asked, shaking his head and looking away from the guy next to him.

"Get a little distracted there?" the stranger teased with an easy laugh. Damn. Even though his eyes were closed, the guy knew he had Remus flustered in all sorts of ways. "My name is Sirius," the stranger repeated. "You?"

"R-Remus," he replied quietly, cursing his nerves.

"I've seen you here the past couple days, Remus," Sirius said, catching Remus off guard. No one ever noticed him like that. "What brings you to the park so often?"

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