Chapter 2

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     The next day as Dani was at her desk again while she again was reading the papers on her desk. Her back was starting to hurt a little as she decided to get up on her feet and starched.
     Dani walked around as well while she started to the stairs to walk to the bottom since she felt it would help her back a little from being stiff. She had her hand on the stairs handle so she would not fall down the stairs.
   But while walking she then all of a sudden saw what looked like four men in ninja clothes as she's ran out of the second floor and down the stairs.
     So she started to then run a little to see if she could see what was going on and why they were dressed like that. But once she got to the lobby door a person was there in a ninja clothing as it grabbed her arm saying mad. " What are you doing here! You are not permitted to be in this lobby at this time girl!"
      The man then started to push her back in the stairs but as she looked at the opened door she then gasps at seeing what looked like bloody weapons in a ninjas hands from what looked like a secret door behind the front lobby desk. ' Was that yell I heard real from the last night!'

~ ~ ~
    Dani was back to her desk and almost ready to leave for the day. But her mind was not focused on going home this time but to find out what was behind that secret door.
   She was watching the time go slowly as she also got her legs to start shaking wanting to move. But as the time was going by very slowly she closed her eyes and tried to then decline ongoing since she had her mother to watch over.
    Dani scratched her head fast and unsure of what to do as when the time came and she saw everyone getting up to leave. She too also stood up and started to walk with everyone.
     Dani clinched her hands and walked closer and closer to the front in the lobby as she caught sight of a man by the invisible door that no one didn't notice except her. As she still continued to the exit of the building she then quickly went to the back and tried to find another way in as she placed her hands constantly on the wall of the place.
     She tried everywhere to find the back way of the place till she was about to give up but soon then saw a door as it too opened. Dani went to hide so no one would see her as she felt her heart racing at the possibility of someone finding her and probably going to hurt her like they were to someone that was in this secret room.
     But she started to take calm breathes as she then stood up from what she was hiding from a dumb trash can. She saw a good few of the people walking out till she saw no one was then leaving and she ran as quickly and quietly as she could as her hand got out and the foot slightly blamed in her hand.
    Her hand hurt a little but nit to back as she went in looking at the unfamiliar surroundings. She got her hurt hand to the chest ad she walked more in the place feeling her heart skipping beats a few times as the dark place then started to show cellars.
     Dani gasped low as she was about to turn and leave thinking this was a bad idea till she then saw someone in what looked like a medal room a few feet feather in the place. Dani could see the person slightly ad it was on its knees and its arms had some sort of chains or something strong holding the arms outward.
    She took carefully slow steps closer and closer to the doors as she was seeing what this person was not even human. " What?"
     Dani got to the door and opened it as it shows what looked like a humanly sized turtle there as its head was leaning forward as if passed out or sleeping. She didn't know what to think since she was seeing this turtles body very beaten as it shows a few old scars and a lot knew cut and blood on the ground by his knees.
    Dani went closet as she got her hand out and looked at it as her hand soon touched its head moving it to its cheek as she and done bending her knees seeing its face. "Are you still alive?"
     It didn't say a thing buy opened its eyes as it looked right at her making her gasp and backing up falling on her butt. Her eyes where widen as the turtle just looked right at her not saying a thing as if studying her for some odd reason.
    But she quickly stopped being nervous as she heard someone coming making her get up looking know panicked. " Shit..."
     She stood there trying to look for a place to hid still she went over and hid in a dark corner as she sat there with her back to the wall and a mirror right by her as she could see what was happening as a man came in. ' What if that turtle thing tells the man that I'm here! '
    As she thinker panicking that she then heard as if a slap making her looked in the mirror as the man that came in looked slightly old with a claw-like fist. " You pathetic turtle... To think you were even brave when you were with your family. Look at you know! haha!"
     Dani then placed her hands on her mouth fast with wide eyes as she saw the man then stabbed the claw in the side of the titles as he grunted and founded his teeth. The man then pulled his claws put and walked off as she saw two men in ninja clothes getting the turtle and dragging him out of the place and to what looked like a cellar as he laid there to the ground.
    Dani got up and out to the cellar as they left making her ask him. " Are you okay!"
     He didn't day a thing still but breathed hard as she doesn't want to leave this turtle but just got up and said looking at him sad. " I don't know why you didn't tell the man I was here... But thank you..."

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