Chapter 21

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     Dani was holding the wheels seeing Sakes building up ahead as she pressed the gas on the vehicle hard as she started heading forward faster than before. She held the wheel of the car as tight as she could while she uses her foot pressing on the gas as hard as she could driving faster to the building not caring what she hits.
    She came in the parking lot fast and straight to the lobby doors rang right into it as the impacted made airbag go off. The car still went forward fast and rammed also into the elevator doors as well hitting it harder as Dani's face hit the airbag.
     But she quickly opened the door and looked around while getting on her feet looking around the lobby seeing the elevator not able to work and so she went straight to the doors of the stairs. She ran up the steps fast up getting slowly closer to Sake but as she was thinking of him her rage got higher thinking of what he did to her and of him killing her mother.
    Then remembering Leo when she first met him and how he was always badly treated and tortured. Her hands clenched so hard that her uncut hand was then started to get red. As she was getting closer and closer than stopped and heard noises as she stopped and stood there looking up to see a shadow.
    When the shadow was starting to speak her hands clinched harder to where her uncut hand was then bleeding a little with her rage just increasing by the second. " We look who came back. And it looks like you brought back my katanas good girl."
     Dani got her cut hand on the handle of one of the two katanas and pulled it out of its sheath to then point the sharp tip to the air where she was and said loud with rage. " You made your last torturing with every one Sake! Tonight you die!"
      Sake only laughed as she then started to run again to him as he just jumped over the stairs railing and quickly landed right in front of her while she went to swing the katana but he grabbed it his hand surprising her as he then grabs her head and threw her up in the air. As she went up she grabbed a tailing and held on as she then claimed over as Sake thru the katana to the floor of the stairs.
     He started back up the stairs while she started to run op and to get to a more leveled ground to fight Sake as she soon was seeing a door getting to it and opening to see this room that looked almost like a dojo.
     Dan ran in and closed the door getting to walls of more weapons forgetting Leo's last katana on her back while Sake was getting closer to the door. She got ahold of what seemed like nunchucks as then she felt a hand get on her shoulder making her turn to see more than five ninjas around as the one that turned her punched her him the face hard as she got to the ground to her right side sliding a little.
    She looked back up with bloody nose looking at the ninjas gaining around her as Shredder came close to her view. " You should have never come and more yet alone. "
     She whipped her blood from her nose and stood up looking at them all. " I will not fail... Not as long as you live..."
     He chuckled and pointed to her as the ninjas then started to her as she took a stand and waited for one to get close to her as she got yet hand into a fist and punched one in the stomach as hard as she got on one knee. The man fell holding his stomach as the then got another hit to another ninjas bottom jaw as her hand felt hurt but ignored it.
     She was going to get a third ninja as she used her foot kicking its back knee as he yelled falling and grabbing it while on the ground. Dani stood there as the ninjas also stood looking at her not expecting her to fight back as she smirked at them all. " 4 years of training. "
      Shredder looked at her and told her. " then let's see how you do with me, shall we. "
    He walked over and gets his cape off placing it on the floor. As he walked closer to her she felt nervous all of a sudden as he then came fast running to her ad she turned her eyes and placed her arms into an ' X ' onto her face as he punched tight on her arm making her footing lose balance fast falling back to the ground to her back as she laid there holding her arms as it felt like it was broken.
    She looked over at seeing Shredder coming closer again and grabbed her neck getting her face right to his as she struggled to breathe. " You are a weakling. Why come alone?"
     She could not answer as she got her good hand on his arm trying to get his arm off her neck so she could breathe. But she was losing her air as her feet were slowly not moving till her hand on his arm lets go and hangs there while her eyes closed thinking this was it.
     Rain starting to fall fast as thunder was made and light lying lighted the room they were in. But Shredder thought he saw something and looked to the window and then something broke the glass and landed to the ground running fast to all of Shredders ninja in the room while Shredder looked at the person they knocked the last one done and stood up looking at the two while Shredder said  making Dani open her eyes as she saw who it was. ' Leo?'
    " So it was you this whole time? Haha, that is interesting."Shredded said turning to him as Leo stood there looking mad. " Let her go Shredder."

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