Chapter 4

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Here is one more chapter for tonight!!!  I tried to put a long one up so a lot happens in this chapter.  Lots of drama and then some cute moments too.  There is something big revealed in this chapter too that will influence Callie and Harry's realtionship in a big way.  I hope everyone enjoys this!! :)

Three weeks had passed since Harry had popped the question I had official moved in with all my stuff soon after that day.  I wasn’t really feeling well all of a sudden so Harry had me staying in bed and resting a lot.

That didn’t seem to be making any difference, I always felt nauseous, and nothing made sense.  At first I thought I just ate something bad, but it continued and I have now felt like this for a week.

“Harry” I said moaning in pain.

He came into our room as fast as he could.  “Yes babe, are you sure you don’t want me to take you to the hospital?  Come on face it you are not getting any better, and I hate seeing you like this.”  He said moving closer to me.

“No I am sure I just want you told hold me.”  I said sort of lying, I was getting a little worried about what might be causing me to be sick like this.  I didn’t want it to be true so I just shoved that thought out of my head.

Harry wrapped me up in his arms and the wave of nausea started to pass.  I rested my head against his chest and started to drift off into sleep.

“No, No this can’t be happening” I was screaming in my sleep.

Harry was gently shaking me awake to snap out of my bad dream. “Shhh love it was just a bad dream it can’t hurt you, it was just a dream.”

“Harry” I said as I looked up at him, “could you take me to the hospital now?”  I was shaking with fear, I felt really weak and wasn’t sure if I could stand but I tried to anyway.

As soon as I stood up I fell down and I started seeing little black dots and soon the dots became bigger until all I saw was a black abyss.

Harry’s POV

“Callie” I screamed as I raced over to her as she crumpled to the ground.

Louis came running into our room and saw me crouched down by the love of my life.  “Louis call 911 quick.”  I was hysterical I didn’t know what to do.

Louis was just froze there and there was really no time I picked Callie up bridal style and ran out to my car,  I was going to have to drive her.

At this point I didn’t care who saw me, I could only think of one thing and that was to get to the hospital. 

When I got there Callie was coming to.  “Wha-” she started to say.

“Shh don’t speak everything will be okay.”  I could feel a tear escape my eye.

I ran up to the front desk at the hospital and explained what happened and they rushed us back to a room.  I really hated hospitals but I couldn’t think about that now, I only worried about Callie.

Callie’s POV

I started to come to and I was in someone’s arms.  Where were we?  I was confused and didn’t know what was going on.  Then I blacked must have blacked out again because the next thing I knew was I was waking up in a hospital bed.  There were tons of needles in my arms and I freaked out, I hated needles big time.

I tried to sit up but Harry was there beside me lightly pushing me back down.  “You need you rest sweetie” he said softly.

“Harry what happened” I asked I was still not sure what had happened, the last thing I remember was getting out of bed at home. 

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