Chapter 16

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There is only one more chapter after this one then the sequel.  I haven't started to write it yet so it won't be up for a little while but please if you liked this story continue reading with the sequel.  Trust me a lot will happen in it!

Liam’s POV

The sea air was refreshing and dinner had been very good, the boys and I were still sitting at the table after Harry and Callie went back to their room.  They mentioned something about being really tired so they were going to sleep early.

“Boys, everyone should go to bed early tonight so we can have a lot of time to go explore on the first island tomorrow” I addressed the boys.

“Aw come on Liam we are supposed to have fun” Niall and Louis complained.

“Liam is right boys we have plenty of time for fun, it’s a two week cruise.  Going to bed early a couple of those nights won’t kill you” Zayn spoke up.

He had been pretty quiet since we left the states to fly to Australia to catch the ship.  I am glad someone understands my rational thinking so I gave him a smile to let him know I appreciated it.

“Fine, when do we have to be back in our room by” Louis asked. 

Niall and Louis were sharing a room and then Zayn and I were sharing another room.  We decided on who shared with who based on Niall and Louis were the party animals and Zayn and I were the sensible ones.

“You should be back in your room by 10pm.  No later than that, I don’t care what you do in the room but just don’t be wandering around the ship any later than that.  This means you have plenty of time to go have fun.  I am going back to the room now so if anyone needs me you know where to find me.” I told the boys.

“I am right behind you Liam I am tired too” Zayn called after me.

“Do you think they will go to bed on time” I asked Zayn when we were back in our room.

“Probably not, but either way we are going to drag them around the island tomorrow” he said smiling.

“Right, well I am going to take a shower then go to sleep so I will see you tomorrow” I told Zayn.

“Sounds good Liam see you tomorrow, I am just going to go do something really quick and come back.  I will try not to wake you.” He said as he exited our room.

Zayn’s POV

I wasn’t actually all that sleepy to be honest.  I only had one thing on my mind and that was my girlfriend Alex.  I decided to go down and use one of the computers to get on Skype to see if she was on.

Luckily she was, I quickly called her and she answered right away.  “Hey babe, how are you” I asked her.

She was smiling and looked really surprised to see me “Great babe how are you, are you enjoying the ship” she asked.

I didn’t even want to go on the cruise, if felt wrong.  It was Harry and Callie’s honeymoon so why did Louis drag us all here to tag along and feel awkward.  I didn’t want to intrude on them so I made a mental note to keep more to myself on this trip.  It was pretty easy since I tend to do that anyway.

“It’s pretty cool, Niall found out there was a Nandos on the ship so it will be hard to tear him away when it is time to leave” I said trying not to let it show how much I didn’t want to be here.

“Yeah Niall does love his Nandos” she giggled.

I heard two idiots come running toward me screaming about something.  “Speaking of look who decided to drop by” I told Alex turning back to the screen and revealing Niall and Louis who both waved a hello.

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