Chapter 17

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LAST CHAPTER!!!! Yes this is the last chapter of The Meet and Greet but don't worry there is more to come, read the author's note at the bottom that explains everything.

Callie's POV

*Later that week*

We were arriving in Miami tomorrow then it would be time to go back to where I live, Orlando.  We would just get off the ship in Miami and rent a limo take us there.  I made a big decision today and I was going to tell Harry as soon as he woke up.  It was only 8am and we had decided to just spend the day at sea doing nothing. 

I was sitting up in bed looking out our window and I finally heard Harry moving like he was waking up. 

“Good morning Harry” I grinned cheerfully at him.

He had morning voice and I loved it “Morning babe, did you sleep well” he asked.

“Yes I slept perfectly, what about you” I asked not knowing how much longer I could keep this decision a secret.

“I slept well” he said turning over.

I really didn’t want him going back to sleep so I kissed his cheek and he turned around to face me again.

“Why so cheerful this early” he wondered out loud.

I gave him a big smile “I think I am ready” I said.

He gave me a confused look, “ready for what baby?”

“Remember when we first got on the boat and I mentioned that I might be pregnant” I asked him.

“Yeah but you said you weren’t sure and you really doubted it” he said still a tiny bit confused.

“Well, I think I was right because I am really late and there have been signs” I explained.

He looked up at me, a smile starting to dance on his lips.

“Are you sure” he now sat up.

I nodded “yeah but I think I should still get a test just to be positive.  But yes Harry I am pretty sure” I smiled at him.

“Wait you are late?” he asked.

Oh brother did I really have to explain this.

“Yes about 6 weeks and well we have been really intimate lately even since the honeymoon started so it all adds up.” I sighed, yes he was my husband but I was embarrassed to have to talk about girl things to him.

He jumped out of bed “what are you doing Harry” I asked.

“Let’s go right now to the ship’s doctor” he sounded really eager so without changing we went down to the doctor in our pj’s.

“Have you had any morning sickness” the doctor asked when they took us right away.

I looked over at Harry, I didn’t want him to be mad that I had been hiding it from him but the doctor needed to know the truth.

“Yes” I whispered.

Harry looked at me concerned.  I took his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze to let him know it was okay.

“Have you felt overly tired, or been hungrier” the doctor asked.

“Yes” I said more audible this time.

“Okay well the test results will be back any minute but I think you are right with your guess” the doctor explained.

Harry and I sat there hand in hand waiting to hear the results.  About one minute later; the longest minute of my life, the doctor came back and smiled at us.

“Congratulations you are having a baby” she told us.

“Really?” I asked ecstatic at the news.

“Yes really, you are about a month along” she explained. 

“This is the best new ever, let’s go tell the boys” Harry said getting up out of his seat.

“Wait just one second though” the doctor continued.

“You will need to make regular doctor appointments when you get home and be very cautious for the next few months because you have already had one miscarriage” she stated.

“Okay I will be careful” I said, I thought I would have felt at least a little scared but I didn’t.  This felt one hundred percent right and Harry and I were ready for this.

As we left the doctor we texted Liam to have everyone meet us for breakfast that the buffet in a few minutes.  He replied with ‘okay’ and we headed up to meet them.

The boys were all dressed in their day clothes while Harry and I were still in our pj’s. 

“What’s up, why are you not dressed” Liam questioned us.

“We have exciting news” Harry announced, he hasn’t stopped smiling one bit since we were told the news.

“We are having a baby” we said together.

They all showered us with “Congratulations” and we went to go eat.

“So you were right before” Liam whispered to me.

I had forgotten we had spoken about it at the beginning of the cruise.  I nodded yeah “I am a month along already” I told him.

“Well that is great, I am happy for the both of you” he assured me.

“So what are you going to eat for breakfast” Harry asked pulling me into his arms.

“Pancakes,” I announced “lots of pancakes.”

Niall laughed at my comment and we went to the buffet to stuff our plates full of food.  The pancakes were so fluffy and delicious I think I had about four of them.  Harry had waffles, Niall and Liam had pancakes as well and Zayn had a breakfast burrito.

Everyone seemed to enjoy their food so that meant we didn’t talk much while we ate.  It wasn’t awkward or anything it was just everyone was too busy stuffing their faces so there was no time for conversation at the moment.

After we were done we decided to go off and do our own things for the day.  Harry and Louis were going to hang out at the water slide, Zayn was doing who knows what, Liam was going to read a book, and Niall and I were going to go explore the ship for the last day.

Harry’s POV

I couldn’t believe this was actually happening.  I was so excited about the news; no one knew how much I had really wanted another chance, well no one except Louis.  I was embarrassed to tell anyone except him how I truly felt about losing the babies.  I mean sure Callie and I talked but it was hard enough for her to stay strong and so I didn’t want to make it harder on her.  So I went to Louis and opened up.

“You finally get your second chance” he told me patting me on the back as we walked over to the water slide.

“I sure do” I replied still smiling from the news.

“Let’s go have some fun on our last day” Louis told me pulling me with him.

We ran off to the water slide and spent our entire day there racing each other on the smaller slides and going on the big slide that goes over the ocean part way before twisting around back over the ship.  Callie joined us later which made it even more fun, it was the best way to end our honeymoon vacation.  I know it may sound crazy but I could not wait for this baby to come!

If you enjoyed reading this then please check out my sequel!! I am in the middle of writing it already because like this book I want to have most of it written out so I don't take too long to upload new chapters.  I know lately I haven't been good at doing it frequently but my shoulder injury was worse than I thought so I have been really busy with that so I am sorry. Anyway the next book starts where some time has gone by so it's not like it picks up right after this it was easier to do it that way so I could focus on some other parts that I wanted to add in.  I really hope everyone enjoyed reading this and keep checking back for the sequel! :D

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