Chapter 9

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Only one more chapter until the wedding so and then soon after that this story will be wrapped up.  I am most likely going to be working on a sequel to this story and then after that I am going to write a Niall fanfic because I realized I don't mention him a lot in here and I love him a lot too!!! Anyway I know this chapter isn't that long and the other one wasn't either but I will try to make the wedding chapter a bit longer.  I already wrote it but I just have to add some stuff to it.  There will be one more chapter for ure up tonight and if I can finish working on the wedding chapter I will try to put that up later as well. I really hope people are enjoying this because I keep getting reads and I am so excited I never thought I would even get one read and now I have 100 so thank you all.  I am just wasn't sure if people were liking this because I haven't gotten any feedback so I didn't know if I should just stop or what.  Anyway here's the next chapter so enjoy!!

I was terrified of heights but I just nodded and smiled at him.He took my hand as we got out of the limo and we started to walk up to the tower.It was all lit up and it was incredible.I couldn’t have imagined in a millions years actually standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, but here I was standing there right in front of it with Harry Styles my fiancé.Even after everything we had been through it was still unbelievable that Harry picked me.I was so grateful and I felt like the happiest girl in the world most days.

I suddenly realized Harry was waiting for me to continue walking; I squeezed his hand before I took another step.We were really going to go up the Eiffel Tower, and to be honest I was terrified but excited all at the same time.

We only had to wait a few minutes due to well Harry being famous and all.I couldn’t even have time to prepare myself for this, one of the workers came up to us and asked if we were ready to go up and before I could say anything Harry said yes and we were walking towards one of the elevators.

I closed my eyes when we stepped into the elevator, maybe if I didn’t look down I would be okay.

“Is everything okay,” Harry asked concerned “are you in any pain we can go back if you want, you should rest.” he told me.

I hesitated for a second, “no I am not in pain I promise I am fine it’s just I am a little afraid of heights.” I said feeling embarrassed as my cheeks got hot and pink.

He squeezed my hand and just smiled at me.

“Don’t worry this will be fun, I promise” he grinned cheekily at me.

I got lost in his eyes as the elevator started to go up.Harry looked really hot tonight, I mean he always looks hot but tonight he was all dressed up.He had a really nice suit on that fitted him perfectly, he wore a bowtie instead of a tie and his hair was all curly instead of just swept off to the side.He looked at me like he was staring into my soul and I just looked back at him.His eyes were amazing and just looking into them made me feel weak in the knees, just like the first time we met.

I didn’t even notice when the elevator had come to a stop and it was time to get off.The man that runs the elevator cleared his throat and said “Enjoy your dinner.”

We stepped out of the elevator and I was amazed.It was beautifully lit up and romantic there were violinists playing and red roses everywhere.I guess this is why they call Paris the city of love, I was very much swept away with the scenery that I had completely forgotten about my fear of heights.Harry and I had a lovely, romantic dinner and dessert.

When we were done it was about 9pm and everyone started getting excited, we would tell something was about to happen but we didn’t know exactly what that was.We stood up from our seats and went over to one of the sides to see the view of everything.

The Meet and Greet: Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now