Chapter 14

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I feel bad that I haven't updated but I did something to my shoulder when I was asleep and now it hurts to move my arm even just a little.  Anyway I have been trying to write when I can but even typing hurts; which explains why this chapter is so short so again sorry.  Trust me I would rather stay up late writing than staying up because of my shoulder hurting so bad. I am runing on 3 hours of sleep so excuse any mistakes.  To be honest I have no clue when the next update will be I will try my best to make it soon.

The rest of the week went by pretty fast, we went to the beach every day and we went out to some local shops.  Mainly we just laid low for the remainder of the two weeks.  It was now the day we left for our cruise; we were just arriving at the ship where we had to go through security and check-in.

There were lots of fans waiting to say goodbye to us and we gladly waved to them as we bypassed the long line of security.  We didn’t have to wait in the long lines because Harry was famous so instead they just pulled us aside and did our own security check and check-in.

“Are you ready to go have lots of fun” Harry asked me.

“Of course I am” I replied smiling really big.

Little did I know Harry was planning some big surprise.  As we walked onto the boat we could see more and more fans coming which was weird because it’s only Harry and I there are no other celebrities here…or so I thought.

“One second I have to check something” Harry said as he stopped walking and took his phone out.

“Hey are you here” he asked the person on the phone.

“Okay great, pool in ten” he said before hanging up.

“What was that about” I questioned him.

“Oh nothing just an old friend of mine is here on the ship and said we should catch up sowe need to go meet by the pool in ten minutes” he said nonchalantly.

We went to our room and our luggage was already there, I guess another perk of having a famous husband.  We hurriedly went in and got changed into swim clothes and then went out but the pool.

I heard someone come running towards us yelling something about food and then I turned to see the boys standing right there.

“Hey you guys, what are you doing here” I asked pulling them all into a big hug.

“Oh nothing Louis just thought we should surprise you” Liam announced.

“This is great now we can all have fun together” I said looking at Harry.  This must have been what the big surprise was.

‘So how has the honeymoon been so far?” Niall asked.

“Great” we both said.

“Well except for the part when I found out Callie can’t hold her alcohol.” Harry said laughing.

I playfully slapped his arm “hey that wasn’t funny; I would like to see you willingly sleeping on the bathroom floor because you felt that awful.”  Okay so I know he was joking around but that was not fun at all, I thought I was dying that day.

“Oh no is everything okay” Liam asked while Louis and the rest of the boys were practically falling over laughing.

“Yeah we just had a little too much fun the night before and well… let’s just say I am sticking to sodas from now on” I replied.

He gave me an all knowing look and let the subject drop.  “So what does everyone want to do now” he asked changing the subject.

Louis was the first to answer “Waterslide!!” he yelled.

Harry and Zayn agreed and they all left so it was just Liam, Niall and I. 

“I am going to go to the buffet” Niall announced and with that left.

“So I guess it’s just you and I” Liam said. 

We went to go find a nice spot inside to sit down and catch up. 

“Anything exciting happen that we missed” I asked.

“No not really just the usual bantering going on.  Oh and Zayn got a girlfriend” he said simply.

“Really?  That’s great, so what is she like?” I was so happy he finally found a girl.

“Well her name is Alex and she seems really sweet” he replied.

“That’s really great I can’t wait to meet her once we get back” I said cheerfully.

“So what about you, anything new happen” he wondered curiously.

“Not really just that whole drinking thing.” I said embarrassed.

“So are you planning on trying for another baby” he asked out of nowhere.

I was caught off guard “well… yeah… maybe, but don’t tell anyone, we haven’t decided to start trying yet.”  I said truthfully, I mean sure on the plane ride over we had talked about trying and everything but we hadn’t we have been protected every time that I know of.

Unless… but that’s not possible.  I had frozen thinking about this now and Liam was looking at me concerned.

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