Chapter 11 part 2

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The wedding is finally here and this is a longer chapter.  I kept reading over this so many times had have added things and tried to make it a good chapter.  I really hope whoever reads this really likes this chapter, I think it is my favorite out of everyhting I have written so far. Anyway I added a picture of what the wedding dress would look like, I had a vision in my mind and this is the closest I could find I think it's really pretty! :)

Nerves were kicking in majorly, we were now at a little inside venue next to the tower and my hair and makeup was complete.  It was time to start walking outside to get into position to walk down the aisle. 

I was shaking from nerves as we walked outside.  I paused a second to collect myself, I can’t cry before I even go down the aisle.

“Is everything okay?” the girls stopped and turned to me.

I managed a smile but they saw through it.  “You look stunning everything is going to be perfect” they said comforting me.

I took a deep breath and we continued to walk. I saw the boys coming towards us to let us know it was time to start.  I had decided that since Liam was my best friend he would walk me down the aisle.  I would have chosen Louis but he was Harry’s best man so he needed to be there for him more than for me.

“Wow you look amazing, you are going to take Harry’s breath away” Louis told me giving me a hug and kissing my cheek.

We started to line up to start walking; Eleanor was going to go out first with Louis escorting her.  Next would be Danielle and Zayn, since I was borrowing Liam at the moment.  Then it would be Valerie and Niall, my mum would walk by herself and soon after that it would be Liam and I.

Someone came up to us and asked if we were ready and I gave a small nod to signal that we could start.  My stomach was in knots but it was a good feeling, I couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle and finally be Mrs. Styles.

Louis turned to me before they started to walk and said “I will tell Harry you look stunning” and with that he took Eleanor’s arm in his and they began to walk.

As the line started to move up I found I was frozen in my spot; Val turned to me and gave me a big hug before turning to walk with Niall who flashed me a warm smile.  She was careful to not mess up my dress.  It fit so well especially because I had my complete flat stomach back, although I am not going to go there now.  My point is I felt really pretty and I hope Harry will think so too.

This is going by a lot faster than I thought; now it was my mums turn.  She kissed my cheek “I love you, no matter how old you get you will always be my little girl” she said before turning away from me.  I was fighting so hard to keep the tears from starting; I took a minute to take in my surroundings.  I was in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower and I was getting married to Harry Styles.  It was beautiful, even though we couldn’t do this at night when it would be all light up this is still breath taking.

I took one more deep breath “Okay I am ready” I told Liam.

 We turned the corner to walk down the aisle and the first person I saw was Harry.  I felt shivers run down my spine, goose bumps started to form.  He looked dashing, more so than usual.  My breath caught in my throat and I hiccupped still trying to fight the tears away.  Liam gave my arm and reassuring squeeze as we continued to walk.

Harry was smiling at me with his famous smile that I loved so much; it made my heart melt every time I saw it.  I didn’t even notice the other people that were there, it was only Harry and I.  I was standing in front of him now and he took my hands in his.

I looked past him for a second to see the other boys standing at Harry’s side.  They were looking adoringly at us and I felt the tears coming.  I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold this back; I was so filled with emotion, so much joy, happiness.

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