Chapter 12

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Yes this is a short chapter but I will upload another one that is hopefull a bit longer!!!! :)

“What do you say about going out for an early dinner and then turning in early for tonight?  We can go exploring tomorrow if you want” Harry was asking.

“That sounds good, what should we eat for dinner” I asked, I really didn’t care what we did I haven’t felt this relaxed in a very long time so I was just enjoying lying in Harry’s arms for hours and hours and not needing to be anywhere.

“Hmm let me find out what is good around here, why don’t you call the boys to let them know we landed safely” he suggested.

“Harry you do realize its 4am over there” I pointed out.

He just shrugged, “Well if they don’t answer leave a voicemail, we don’t need Liam going all daddy direction on us and freak out because we didn’t check in.”

I nodded and reluctantly sat up and went to go get my phone.  I dialed Liam first because I knew if any of them were still up it would be him.

It only rang once “Hello?  Did you guys land okay?” he asked not even sounding tired.

“Liam why are you still awake” I asked laughing slightly.

“Well… I… I wanted…to make sure you guys were okay” he stuttered a little embarrassed.

“Yes we landed safely, we would have called sooner but we… well… we-”

“I get it” Liam said saving me from what is now my embarrassment.

“Thanks” I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Li I wish you could see it here it is incredible, you and the boys would love it” I said changing the subject.

“Maybe someday we can all go together” he suggested.  “Hey the other boys are here do you want to say hi” he asked.

“Yeah could you put me on speakerphone” I asked.

“Sure.  Hey boys look who finally decided to call” I heard Liam call to the other boys.

“Harry?” I heard Louis say.

“Haha no Lou it’s me” I replied.

“So are you two having fun” he asked.

I looked over at my husband and smiled “Yeah we are… well let’s just say we are enjoying ourselves.”  I said hoping he got my drift without me going into too much detail.

“Hey can we Skype you the connection isn’t that good right now” Liam was asking.

“Um give us a sec-” the line went dead before I could finish.

Harry was at the laptop as the incoming call popped up.  Luckily Harry was known for being naked a lot so seeing him shirtless was no big deal.  He answered the call right away, but me on the other hand I was still wearing Harry’s “gift” and I had to run past the computer to get to my suitcase.

“Harry couldn’t you given me one second” I said, I knew the boys must have seen me because I heard lots of laughter come from the computer.

Harry’s POV

Louis was making some dirty joke because the boys all figured out exactly why we hadn’t called earlier.  I mean it wasn’t that hard to put all the pieces together, I was shirtless and Callie had just ran by with her very sexy outfit I had given her.

“Well explains a lot” he continued jokingly.

“Oh hush lou” I said feeling my cheeks get hot; Callie had just come back out in a t shirt and shorts.

“So I need to talk to you about something important” Louis was telling me.

“Hey babe can you go down and ask where a good place to eat would be” I sent Callie away so Louis could tell me what ever this surprise is.

“Okay spill Lou” I said.

Callie’s POV

I didn’t know why Harry was making excuses to be alone with Louis, there was something going on and I knew Harry would eventually tell me.  I was just hoping it wasn’t something bad that we needed to worry about.

It wasn’t that long before Harry was down in the lobby coming towards me.  I could tell he was trying to hide a smile, at least I knew what ever was going on wasn’t bad.

“So where are we going to dinner” he asked as he approached me.

“Um… well… I didn’t ask yet” I explained, I didn’t think he was serious about that I thought it was just an excuse to get me out of the room.

He just shook his head chuckling to himself.  “Come on let’s go” he said putting his arm around my waist.

I didn’t realize that I was starving until I heard my stomach start to grumble.  I hadn’t really been able to eat much on the day of the wedding because of nerves so now everything was catching up.  We decided to stop at a local place close to the hotel so we could easily walk there and get some fresh air.

“This is amazing Harry, I can’t believe we are here” I said after dinner on our walk back to the hotel.

We were walking along the beach as the sun was setting and there was a nice breeze as the weather started to cool off.

“Well you’re amazing babe and you deserve the best” he replied as we walked hand in hand.

“It just feels nice to do nothing and just be able to sit back and relax no appointments, no drama, just relaxation” I said breathing in the fresh air.

“I know what you mean I love my job and all but it is always so nice when we don’t have photo shoots, gigs, and meet and greets all the time” he sounded a little guilty for feeling this way but he shouldn’t everyone needs a break every now and the.  Plus he was only 20 and he still needed to have fun once in a while.

“It’s okay to feel that way; we all know you love your job and your fans.  Everyone needs a break from it for a little bit though.” I reassured him as I kissed his cheek.

“So what do you want to do the rest of the night” Harry asked curiously.

“Well I am not really tried so I am up for anything” I replied.

He got a huge smirk when I said this as he turned around and started pulling me in the opposite direction of the hotel.

“Harry, what are we-”

“Don’t worry about it, just follow me” he said cutting me off.

We walked a couple blocks and then we came to a stop.  I looked at where we were standing in front of; I shouldn’t have been surprised of course Harry would want to go drink.

“Now we can really relax” he said to me as he pulled me into the bar.

Harry in a bar this will definitely be an interesting night!! ;) Next chapter will be up very soon, just give me a couple minutes.

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