Chapter 34:

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May 14, 1960

"No, I refuse," Olivia leaned her back against the wall, shaking her head. She switched the black telephone receiver to her right ear, inhaling in a deep breath.

Things had been pretty rough the past few months since her separation from Don. She was struggling to get the divorce finalised as soon as possible, but with her reputation beginning to decline, there was little hope for her and her career.

False statements had been released from Don claiming Olivia was after his money and had was faithful on several occasions during their marriage. Since then, many designers, companies, and magazine advertisements had cancelled contracts or bookings with her because of these false rumours Don had released.

But after wasting these months in silence, she had decided it was her turn to speak out. Just yesterday, she and her new press officer Millie Turner had agreed to step up and file accusations of the physical abuse to help speed up the process of the divorce and get things back on the right track.

However, her manager Larry was quite upset they had published things so sudden, "I've had a very long and quite exhausting phone call with Don's manager. He isn't pleased that you have published this while they are on tour," he paused, "All I'm asking is if you retract the accusations, I'm sure he would happily agree to get everything going smoothly."

"Are ya mad? Who's bloody side are ya on, Larry? Because I can find another manager that.."

He quickly interrupted her, "No, no... I wasn't meaning.." he cleared his throat, "I was just making suggestions on how we can clear everything back for you."

She rolled her eyes, "If he had kept that fuckin' mouth of his shut in the first place, I wouldn't be in this mess, ya get on?"

"Yes, I understand. I apologise, Olivia," he paused, scribbling more notes onto his notepad, "Things have been quite hectic and frustrating on my end, but I understand it hasn't been all roses for you either."

She sighed, running her hand through her hair, "Spot on, it hasn't. I'm just fed up and ready to move on, ya know?"

Larry held his receiver and sighed, "I understand. Millie and I are working 'round the clock to get these issues addressed and you back to work," he glanced up at the clock on his wall, "So where are you hiding out this time? I figure the press have been a bother at your house."

She stared at the two young boys sitting on the floor a few yards away from her place in the corner of the room and smiled, "I'm stayin' at me mate Paul's home. His father was kind enough to let me hide out here for a few days, at least until the madness dies out a bit."

"Right, well give me a ring if you need anything. I'll be ringing you if there are any updates. Take care."

"Thanks, Larry," a smirk appeared on her face and hung the receiver back onto the telephone. She didn't mean to be a pain in the arse and realised Larry was doing his best. Though, in the back of her mind, she was curious how much he did enjoy working for her and assisting her during this time.

Olivia stood to her feet and strolled to the two boys sitting on the floor. With guitars in both of their hands and strumming a familiar tune, they had taken notice of her approaching their way.

"Alright then?" George's dark and thick eyebrows raised with a half-smile on his face.

She gently crouched down, taking a seat next to them, crossing her legs, "I've 'bout gone potty with all of the madness, I tell ya," she pursed her lips with annoyance, searching her pockets for a cigarette, "Nevermind me, what're ya two fiddlin' with?"

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