Chapter 15:

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It was the day after Christmas, and the sensation of the cold air upon her skin began to wake Olivia from her peaceful sleep. She rolled throughout the blankets of her bed, still with her eyes closed and sighed.

Her mind had awoken to the noise of the wind rattling against the window and the creaking of the home.  She reached a hand on the mattress on the space beside her, and when she couldn't feel anything, her eyes shot open.

For a slight moment, she had forgotten where she was, and once her eyes recognised the pictures and the furniture in the room, she remembered she was home. Her mind trailed to the memories of last night and sat up quickly, looking over to her right at the space where John had laid beside her.

She pulled the blankets up over her exposed chest and covered them, glancing around the room for any of his belongings or clothing, but there was nothing. Her eyes searched for her robe, which had been hanging behind the bedroom door and slowly got out of bed and made her way to the door.

The moment she had just finished tying the sash on her cream-coloured robe, the sound of dishes clanking together came from the kitchen.

A smile appeared to her face as she opened the door and quickly made her way downstairs. The aroma coming from the kitchen indicated that someone was making breakfast.

She peered around the corner, and there was John in the same clothes from yesterday, placing two sausages onto a dish. Olivia quietly giggled to herself as she watched him engage himself in the kitchen. It was something she never visualised she would see with her own two eyes.

"Don't tell me this is all for you now," her eyes stayed on him, smiling at him as he was suddenly taken by surprise with her presence.

He placed the pan back onto the stovetop and made his way to her, grinning, "I'm not that selfish," he wrapped his arms around her, "You better be hungry."

Olivia placed a long and loving kiss onto his lips then gleamed back at him as they withdrew, "Only when it comes to you," she stood up on her toes and examined his shoulder, "Is it ready then?"

John slightly turned back to the stovetop, "Yeah, just have to prepare the other dish," he went back and grabbed the pan, placing the rest of the sausages onto the empty dish next to the stove. 

"Do you need help?" She walked over to attempt to snatch a peek, but he suddenly stood in front of her, "Go 'ed then and sit at the table now."

Olivia turned back around and grabbed a seat at the small table in the kitchen, chuckling, "Alright, don't get that apron in a twist, although should I go grab it for ya? It would just add to the picture."

"Do ya want me to curtsy as well?"

She bit her lip, trying to hold back her laughter, "Well if you don't mind.."

He grabbed the kettle and filled her cup, exchanging a smirk, "That's the last time I step into the kitchen," John made a funny face at her then once again circled to retrieve the plates. He picked up both of them, coming back to the table, setting one down for him than the other right in front of her.

He had hoped she would enjoy the meal since this was her favourite. John wanted this holiday to be different since it was their first one together and because he knew that this might be the last time they would be able to relax.

As soon as he set the plate in front of her, she immediately recognised the dish and was completely mind blown, "Bangers and mash? But how.. when.."

"I probably don't prepare one like your dad, now.." he took his place at the table, "but Mimi makes one close enough."

She took a bite of the mashed potatoes and smiled as the flavour filled her tastebuds. It had been a long time since she had her favourite dish and had almost forgotten what it tasted like, "Mmmm, this is good! It's pretty close to dad's recipe, so that's an extra kiss for you."

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