Chapter 15- She started to love me

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"You're fucking stupid!" Jin said while smacking my head. "I know that!" I rubbed the place where he hit.

"What's the problem?" Taehyung asked while looking concerned at my head. "Hobi ran away from a girl because she didn't remember something they did..." he shot a glare at me "but she wasn't completely sober to remember!" That's when Tae stepped next to Jin, "That's low...she's probably confused and hurt and-"

"YAH! I already feel bad enough." I feel like shit.


The concert was a huge success thanks to army. I began walking off the stage and a certain someone caught my eyes.

Their hair isn't a simple black or brown or blonde.

It's Soonji.

She looked tired physically and I couldn't help but think if it was because of me. I left her without explaining why so of course she'd look tired.

I could've at least came up with good lie as to why I was leaving.

I was about to invite her personally to come back stage. I was more than nervous. In fact I'm more nervous to ask her to come back stage that I was to preform. She has that affect on me.

"Hey you!" She smiled at my tiredly.


"Hi Jhope!" I could see right through her. "Stop by back stage please!" She frowned, "I can't I have to go, you did amazing by the way." She ran off before I could even ask where she was going.

"YOU CAN START READING THE LETTERS!" She only gave me a thumbs up and kept running.

I hope those notes remind her that I'll always be thankful towards her.

But as her Hobi I hope the notes remind her she's not alone.

As I was walking away I stepped on a paper. I looked down and realized it had "Hobi" written on it.

I picked it up and began to read.

Hey Hobi, how have you been? I can't seem to find you which hurts but here we are. Once you read this it means it's too late. I'm leaving with my parents. I hope we'll meet again...I actually started to like you and by like I mean more than that. You made me feel warm. Also I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I didn't remember what happened that night sooner...

I held the paper into my chest. Now she remembers. She finally remembers and now she's leaving. But most all.

She started to love me.

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