Chapter 25- Everything was lie

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"Where's my little helper at?" Hoseok chimed into my room. I only groaned and put the overs over me. "There she is!" He pulled the covers me in a split second. "Good morning."

"Yeah." I turned over feeling a pain in my head from the morning before. "Jimin said I should bring you breakfast so Jin helped me make you some here!"

I sat up and saw Hoseok with his heart smile.

"I'm honestly amazed I didn't realize it what you." He laughed a little while setting down the food. "I'm glad Bang Pd made me go back to school."

"Why?" I began to stuff my face. "I wouldn't have met you."

"You're being cheesy." He made his way onto the bed and sat next to me. "Only for you." I rolled my eyes and ate.


"Can we have a heart to heart talk?"

"Ew sure." Hoseok laughed but it faded away quickly so he was serious. "I love you I think that's obvious." I nodded my head. "And I know you have your troubles with that topic."

"You know me every well my Hobi." He smirked and continued "Soonji why aren't we together?"

"Because I'm problematic." He took my hands "I don't care about that", he said while looking into my eyes. "Are you sure?"

"I've never been this sure about something in my life besides you've liked me when you didn't even know I was an idol."

"That's true."

"Soonji will you be my girlfriend?" I froze up. "Me? You want to be with me?"


"Okay yeah let's be together I mean after all we've done it-" I felt his lips against mine until he pulled away. "You're the only person I've done it with so shut it!"

I pinched his cheeks "Look at my Hobi." That's when Taehyung bursted into the room.

"Hyung why are you-"

"Never mind that Tae, Hoseok, what is this?"  Namjoon handed a tablet to us. And everyone knows a picture is worth a thousand words.

"H-Hoseok?" He has his head down "Don't tell me this on the in-"

"It is! Who is she!" Taehyung was screaming the question I wanted to know. You can't really see who it is cause her face was buried into his chest. But none the less it's a girl and Hoseok from awhile based on his hair color.

"She's just someone who-" I stood up because I needed to leave. "Soonji where are you going?" Hoseok asked but I didn't bother to reply.

"Taehyung go after her I have to talk with Hoseok", Namjoon said to Tae. I only rushed out.

I don't know much about Hoseok and I should've thought about that before I said yes.

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