Saving Each Other - Wicked - Fiyero x Reader

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A/N - (Y/N/N) means your nickname.

"Halt! In the name of the Wizard!"
The guards grab you and drag you away from Glinda.
"Stop! Let me go!" you shout. The guards pull Glinda away from you.
"Let me go, I almost had her!" she moans.
"Sorry it took us so long to get hear, Miss Upland," a guard says.
"You used my sister's death as a trap. I can't believe you've sunk that low," you shout at Glinda.
"This wasn't meant to happen (Y/N/N)," Glinda says back. There is a look of remorse in her eyes. Suddenly, Fiyero swings in on a rope. He sticks the landing and points his gun at the guards.
"Let the green girl go," he says.
"Fiyero, how in Oz?" Glinda stares at him in disbelief.
"I said let her go! Or explain how you watched on while Glinda the Good was slain," he points his gun at Glinda. Her eyes widen in shock.
"Let her go," Fiyero shouts. The guards release you.
"(Y/N), go," he says.
"Not without you, Fiyero," you say.
"You have to. Go!" you hesitate, not wanting to leave Fiyero but knowing you had to save your own life.
"Go!" Glinda shouts. You run off, and hide behind a tree.
"Seize him!" the guards grab Fiyero. You gasp in fear for his life.
"Wait! What's going on! What in the name of Oz are you doing!? Stop it! Don't you see. He loves her. He wasn't going to harm me," Glinda pleads.
"Glinda, I'm sorry," he says.
"Take him to that field! Put him on one of those poles until he tells us where that witch went," the guards drag Fiyero to the field.
"No! Don't hurt him! Please, don't hurt him! Fiyero!!!" Glinda shouts after him. She falls to the floor and cries. You run off towards the castle to find the Grimmerie.


"Fiyero!" you cry, desperately looking through the book for a spell that can save him. You finally find the right spell and start chanting.
"Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Atum Atum Eleka Nahmen. Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Atum Atum Eleka Nahmen. Let his flesh not be torn . Let his blood leave no stain. Will they beat him? Let him feel no pain. Let his bones never break and however they try to destroy him, let him never die, let him never die."
The spell is complete. You prey that it worked.


You hear Dorothy crying from her cell. You open the trapdoor.
"Oh, for Oz's sake, stop crying! I can't listen to it anymore! If you want to go home again, get those shoes off your feet!!" you slam the trapdoor shut," Little brat... takes a dead woman's shoes. Must have been raised in a barn!"
All of a sudden, Glinda runs in.
"They're coming for you," she says.
"Go away," you reply.
"Let the little girl go. And the dog, Dodo. I know you don't want to hear this, but someone has to say it. You're out of control! Just let it go, (Y/N)! They're just shoes," she says. She was right. You didn't want to hear that.
"I can do whatever I want. I am the Wicked Witch of the West," you are about to shout at Glinda when a monkey runs in with a letter. You take it.
"What is this? Why are you bothering me with this?" you read the letter.
"Its Fiyero, isn't it?" Glinda asks.
"We have seen his face for the last time," you say.
"Oh no," Glinda says. You see her eyes filing with tears.
"Its time for me to surrender. You have to go. You can't be seen here. Everyone will turn against you," you say. You give Glinda the Grimmerie.
"No. I'll tell everyone the truth," she says.
"Promise me you won't try to clear my name. Please," you say.
"Ok... I promise," Glinda says. You pull over a curtain to hide Glinda and wait for the witch hunters to come. They do. Dorothy throws water over you. You slowly fall down the trapdoor and pretend to die. Soon, you're 'dead'. You can't quite hear anything from up above, but you aren't trying to. You don't want to hear Glinda cry. You left her the hat she gave you and the bottle of green elixir.


You hear a knock on the trapdoor.
"It worked," Fiyero says. He opens the door and you climb out. He's a scarecrow now, but you were prepared for that that. That's what the note said.
"Fiyero! I thought you'd never get here" you reach out to touch his face.
"Go ahead. Touch. I don't mind. You did the best you could. You saved my life," he says.
"We saved each other," you say. You hug each other, happy to be alive and in each other's arms.

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