Shootout - Bonnie and Clyde - Clyde x Reader

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Everything happens so fast. You barely know what's happening until a bullet hits your leg. You fight not to cry out. Soon though, it's over. Clyde notices your leg and grabs a rag for a tourniquet. You look over and see Blanche cradling Buck in her arms. He's beyond saving, you know that much.
"That better, sugar?" Clyde asks.
"My leg's burning," you say.
"We need to keep moving. You gonna be able to walk?" he asks.
"I don't think so," you reply.
"Buck needs treatment," Blanche cries.
"They're on our tail, Blanche," Clyde says.
"Go with them, baby," Buck says weakly.
"We need to go," Clyde says.
"He's your brother! Your flesh and blood! You're just gonna leave him here to die?" Blanche shouts. Clyde doesn't reply. He picks you up and carries you away.
"You're an animal!" Blanche shouts after Clyde. You're not really paying attention.

Clyde takes you out to the forest and puts you down next to a tree.
"I'll try and get the bullet out for you," Clyde says. You wince in pain as he pulls the bullet out and bandages the wound with the tourniquet.
"That any better, babe?" he asks.
"A little bit," you say.
"Its late. You should get some sleep. I'll keep watch," Clyde says. You nod, too tired to disagree. He sits down next to you and you rest your head on his shoulder. He strokes your hair as you fall asleep. You feel strangely safe, because Clyde is there, protecting you. You know nothing bad can happen. And even if you die, dying ain't so bad. Not if you're together.

A/N - sorry this is so short. Its just all I could think of to write.

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