Heart of poison -Puncture wounds-

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Ok so this is my first story and i'd really like to know what you think, vote and comment!

P.S Xena is pronounced Zena and her nickname is just Zen



I stood there peering down at the pale lifeless body that lay before me, eyes glazed over as I stared at it, the body it was no longer jerking and twitching, just laying there silently. I stood still and focused my gaze onto his neck, puncture holes bruising it. I was the one who had done that, I was the one who killed that poor, innocent and defenceless human.

 I was in a trance like state as I felt queasy and unsettling memory come over me.

-Xenas' flashback-

I looked around me only to find I was consumed in darkness, I panicked as worrying thought filled my head along with a billion questions. A soft male whisper bounced around the room I could barley see. I had no time to try and decipher what they had said, as like before, it was a deathly silent.

"Hello...?" I called out in a scared whisper.

"Is anyone there?" I turned my head anti-clockwise in a slow movement to listen for a response. Silence...

I was terrified by now, I had no idea where I was and I feared that I wouldn't survive to find out. My eyes started to go red and swell as salty tears trickled down my rosy cheeks. I was crying because of how terrified I was. Well that, and probably because the back of my head was pounding, I faintly recall my head, and a gravelly pavement coming into contact.

"Please..?" I whimpered into the darkness, fearing that no one would hear my sorrow filled moan.

"Please somebody help me!" I exclaimed between sobs, hoping that someone, some how would hear and come to my rescue. Suddenly I felt a cold presence behind me and a warm breath caressing my neck, I gasped and turned swiftly, to find nothing but air behind me, I sighed gratefully and turned back again. I let out a small yelp and jumped as I came face to face with a teenage boy, who over many years I had come to know very well. Jacob.

Jacob was my best friend in the entire world whom without I might have just gone a little bit crazy. Well crazier atleast. We did everything together, we shared the same likes and dislikes but would usually find the odd thing to squabble about, it was usually something stupid like the best pizza topping. It's pepperoni by the way. Jacob had been my secret crush for 3 years, I always tried to tell myself it wasn't true but even I couldn't deny my feelings for him. He was average weight and height, well I say average yet he towered over my small figure. He was muscular, more than most, but I never complained I need someone to carry my things, right? Did I mention he was extremely handsome, with scruffy brown hair and killer deep blue eyes that were to die for, it was like looking into a pool of tropical water.

"Jacob!" I said in a relieved tone and let a small smile hit my face, his stare almost numbing my pain.

"Where am I? what happened? How did I get here? Why are you here?" so many questions sprang to my very confused mind. All he did was stare at me like he was the hungry lion ready to pounce on me, the helpless antelope. I was almost intimidated.

 "Jacob?" I said waving my hand in front of his face to try and break his trance like state.

 "Hello? Earth to Jacob" He shook his head apologetically as if awakening from a dream. Strange...

"Oh, sorry" he said with a cheeky smile wavering in the corner. Wow. That was the only possible way to describe his incredible smile. Any normal girl would be all over him if he smiled to them like he did to me, but I was used to it, I mean I had known him for years, but that didn't mean I didn't like it.

I gently smiled back but that expression soon faded away as another burst of pain shot from my head, all around my body. I cringed and squeezed my hands together, to afraid to touch my head in case I felt a thick, warm liquid which I was sure would be there. What had happened to me? All I remember was walking, I got a text from Jacob to meet me at the field behind his house, we'd usually hang around there so I didn't think anything of it, and then BAM lights out. All I really remember were two oddly strong, masculine figures.

 "Owwwww" I groaned my voice lingering.

 "Help me" I struggled to say through my stinging tears.

"I will but there's something I need to-"  He attempted to say but I cut him off.

"But nothing" I stated, anger in my voice.

"No Zen, you don't understand I-" he said using the nickname he had started calling me by a few years back. His voice was layered with sadness.

"No you don't understand" I yelled interrupting him once again. What is wrong with him? Can't he see me in pain?

 "I'm dying here!" well, I thought I was dying, I don't really know what's happening, I don't know how I got here, and with my body losing blood fast I couldn't think straight. Nothing made sense...

"Ahhh!" I screamed, the pain was coming faster and harder now and I could feel the blood pouring from the back of my head. Jacob licked his lips and stared intently, but was soon focused again. That was weird... I clenched harder on my stomach and squeezed my eyes shut the tears coming subconsciously now.

Was I going to die here? Was I really going to let my body slip away into the unknown blackness that was death. Could I really say goodbye to everything that was my life? My friends, my school, my adorable house, my bed, my warm bed that pulled me in to it's loving ocean of blankets and kept me safe. And my family? No, not my family. Not my younger sister Tasha and my mum and dad...I loved them to much to just lay back and give up, to let my eyes slide closed and let my body go cold. I couln't let my life be sucked away so painfully, with me never even knowing what caused this feeling, this feeling of vunerabilty. This feeling of anger, caused by the fact that I had no choice but to die. Could I honestly give up so easily? Let my last breath escape my lips and in seconds throw away what had taken me years to mould. No one should ever be put through this, it wasn't fair to die without ever having lived...

"Help me..." I just about whispered into Jacobs ear, barley able to stay conscious. I saw the fear, sadness and pain in his face, he looked more hurt than me. Almost torn. Conflicted.

"I will" he stated in a strong, trustworthy voice. The way he projected his voice made me feel inferior, and I put all my faith in him. After all, my life was in his hands.

He grasped my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes as if fighting a battle within himself, I stared back, lost in his gaze. He came closer to me and once again his breath touched my neck, a warm sensation ran through my veins, what was happening? And soon enough I got my answer. I felt a pair of smooth, sharp teeth graze against the thin flesh on my neck. I froze transfixed, as if he had hypnotised me. I took in sharp breaths unsure of what would happen.

Sinking. I was sinking, deeper and deeper into what seemed to be...bliss? As Jacobs head rested in the crook of my neck, his...fangs, tearing away the skin, an icy resin slipped into my bloodstream. 

Darkness was all I saw. Darkness was all I felt.


I hope you enjoyed it, I have gone over this about one billion times and I think i'm finally happy with it!YAY :D



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