Part 1

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It takes me a moment to realise everything has gone quiet. I hold my hand up to my head and bring it back to reveal blood.
For a brief second I believe we have won, but then I see the scattered people, people running in one direction, shouting names.
A boy sees me and heads towards me. 'Princess.' He says, doing a hurried salute as he rushes to my side. 'Thanos has won, we must...' he stops speaking and his hand on my shoulder slowly turns to dust, and the rest of him follows.
I back up against the rock behind me in panic. 'Hello?' I shout, to no reply.
I stand up and head out onto the field, my guns still attached to my hands. Across the field I see more people disappearing like the boy did.
I hurry to where I saw Vision go during the fight and soon come to a clearing.
'Oh.' Is all I manage as I see Vision's body on the floor, the stone ripped from his head. I understand what is happening; Thanos has won, he has wiped half of the population.
'Brother!' I shout, suddenly realising he could be gone, that I could be going soon too. 'Brother, where are you?'
Steve comes running towards me, slowing as he recognises me.
'Shuri.' He says, stepping towards me, as Thor and Natasha follow close behind.
'Where is my brother? He was here, I need to find him.' A noise from behind and I spin round. 'Okoye. Where is he?'
She doesn't say anything, and I understand. She grabs me before I can fall to my knees but I still scream, piercingly loud.
'Who else?' Okoye asks Steve, holding me tight, holding back tears herself.
'Bucky.' I turn to him and raise a hand to my mouth to stop myself from crying out. Bucky, my white wolf. I bought him back into this world, and now he is gone. 'Sam, Wanda, Vision.'
'Groot.' A voice comes from the left of me. I see a raccoon and decide to be interested as to how he can speak some other day.
'Tree is gone?' Thor asks, from behind Steve, kneeling beside the Raccoon.
'He burst into friggin dust! He was a child.' Thor uncharacteristically pulls the animal into a hug and the raccoon doesn't resist, just sobs. It is a bizarre scene to see but I am too focused on my brother to pay attention.
'They can't be dead, not all of them.' Bruce says, getting down from his Ironman armour. He stumbles slightly and ends up next to Natasha.
'Strange still has the time stone. Nothing could have gotten him to give that up, no way.'
'Look around you.' Natasha says, 'if it's this bad here, the rest of the world is going to be a lot worse.'
'What do we do?' Bruce asks, at a loss.
'We regroup.' Steve says, 'then we figure out what to do. We need to find out what happened with Tony. Thor, take Natasha, make sure Clint and Pepper are okay. And Scott too, Antman. Call Fury, we'll meet you back at the compound sometime tomorrow.'
'Rabbit is coming too.' Thor says, taking the newly named Rabbit and putting him on his shoulder. Rabbit holds a gun limply in one hands but seems as though he has nowhere to go but with Thor.
'I need to find out if the rest of my crew is okay.' Rabbit says weakly.
'We will find them.' Thor says, reaching out for Natasha.
'Clint first.' She says, taking Thor's hand. He wraps his arm around her, 'stay safe.' She manages to say before Thor flies up into the atmosphere and away.
I tug on Okoye's arm when I hear bells ringing. I cannot speak, cannot move any more.
'What are the bells?' Steve asks, seeing my distress.
'The Queen is dead.' Okoye says, before dropping down beside me and joining in my tears.

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