Part 48

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A day has passed since the fight and everyone knew that we could wait no longer to acknowledge the deaths of Tony and Steve. In some ways it is a miracle no one else died beside two Wakandan soldiers who were taken home for the proper Wakandan funeral. Okoye returned with them, deeply distraught with her loss. T'challa wanted to go with them but he refused to leave me, and I refused to leave without paying my respects to both Tony and Steve.
Peter's Aunt stands alone to one side and I instantly go up to her, wanting to meet her. I have only met Peter briefly myself but I have fought beside him and that, to me, makes him a lifelong ally and friend.
'Your nephew?' I ask on my approach, 'Peter?'
'Yes. You know him?' She asks.
'I fought beside him yesterday. He saved my life countless times.' I say, 'He's a brave fighter.'
'Thank you.' She says in a small, faltered voice.
'Shuri.' My brother says as he comes over, having noticed my slipping out of our last conversation.
'This is my brother, T'challa.' I say in way of introduction, 'brother this is Peter's Aunt.'
'The boy you fought with?' He asks.
'Yes. Spider-Man.' I say. T'challa bows his head slightly in way of respect.
'I am told Peter saved my sister countless times. I am grateful.' He says. May looks unsure how to respond, but smiles nonetheless.
'It's nothing down to me. The boy did it all himself.' She says, proudly. I spot Peter coming in from the other side of the tent and walk towards us. He smiles at me and goes to stand beside his aunt.
'Shuri. Hey.' He says, 'T'challa.'
'We were just talking about you.' May says.
'You saved my sister yesterday.' T'challa says, smiling and placing a hand on Peter's shoulder, 'Both I and Wakanda is indebted to you.'
'No.' He says, shaking his head, 'it was nothing. Shuri and I had each other's backs. Sure I might have saved her but she stopped me getting shot a lot too.'
'Take the debt, Peter, Wakanda is a useful ally.' I say, pulling my brother back and winking at him. He smiles and turns to May as I walk away with T'challa.
'We must make the rounds, Shuri, two of my people are at home and I can't stay away much longer.' I stop and stare at him.
'I know.' I say, fiercely, 'for the last year, they were my people. I fought with them, I protected them. Their death's weigh heavy in me just as they do in you. But so do Tony and Steve's. And they deserve my time. We will say our goodbyes, but then we will go to their graves, and I will tell you about them.'
I feel as though he is about to argue, but he stays silent as I lead him throughout the marque looking for different people.
'Natasha,' I say as I approach the bar, 'Bucky, Sam. My brother and I must return to Wakanda. I have come to say goodbye. I'm so sorry for your losses.' I say.
'And yours.' Natasha says, taking my outstretched hand.
'Know that Wakanda is your ally and that whenever you need us, we will come.' I say, my brother confirming behind me. 'Thank you for all you have done.'
'Shuri, none of us would have been here if you hadn't called it. Thank you for being one of the last ones holding out hope.' Natasha says. I nod and do the Wakanda pose, both arms crossed against my chest, my brother does the same. The three of them are unsure whether to imitate us but Bucky does and the other two follow.
'Shuri do you think...' Bucky says, moving us slightly away from the other two, 'would it be okay if I were to return to Wakanda?'
'You are always welcome in Wakanda.' T'challa says.
'White wolf. You have much more to learn, I'm sure. We leave in two hours, if you would like to say you're goodbyes we will meet you by the ships.'
'Thank you.' He says, bowing his head slightly and walking off to wherever he's going.
We move on to Bruce, Thor and the Guardians.
'My brother and I must go back to Wakanda.' I say, giving a similar spiel. But I turn to Bruce, 'I grew up reading your books. I would be honoured if you ever chose to came to Wakanda and allowed me to run some ideas by you.'
'Shuri, from what little time I've spent with you I know you've far outdone me in any aspects of science. I would love to come to Wakanda some time.'
I nod and leave my brother talking to Bruce as I turn directly to the Guardians and Thor who have stayed close together ever since the end of the battle.
'Drax, Mantis, Groot, Nebula, Peter. Thank you all for fighting alongside us. I know we would not have been able to do as we have done without your aid.'
'Wouldn't miss it.' Peter says, smiling.
'I am Groot.' Groot says and I smile. I make a note to learn Groot when I return to Wakanda.
'Rocket.' I say, squatting down beside the raccoon. He leans against Groot and looks up at me, cautious. 'Thank you. For coming. It was a long shot and I know you didn't have to risk everything but you did and I am grateful. Whatever you need. Where ever you need it, Wakanda is open.'
'You got my family back. You ain't owing anyone. If you ever need a group to kill anyone or steal anything just call us.' He smiles at me as I stand up.
'Thor, I'm sorry about your brother. If there's was anything I could do, or anything you need.' I say. He smiles and nods.
'I've still got a small shred of hope left and I'm not letting go anytime soon. I hope you and your brother have a safe journey back to your home and know you always have me as a friend and ally.' I smile and say my goodbyes, starting to walk with T'challa to find the rest of the people I need to say goodbye to.
'Shuri.' Quill comes up behind me and turns me round with his hand on my shoulder. 'Hi, hey. Sorry. My guys back there. We're not the most...we're not exactly standard. We have what we have and we don't really question it. And I just want to guy Rocket back there was here without us and you bought us back and I'm so grateful. I lost my girl and I wrecked our chances and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for that. But I just wanted to say thank you.' He says.
'It was my honour.' I say, simply. He smiles and looks as though he's about to say something else but decides against it. He walks off and T'challa and I go on to say goodbye to everyone else, finally making it so that Carol and Pepper are the last ones.
'Carol, Pepper.' I say, they both turn to me, Pepper with an absent look on her face, 'my brother and I must return to Wakanda. I'm sorry to leave so soon.'
'Don't apologise.' Pepper says, 'you've done everything you need to do. The world owes you one.'
I look at her carefully, wary that she could blame me for Tony.
'Shuri, I am sure this won't be the last I'll see of you. You are the first I trusted back on this planet and it was an honour to fight beside you.'
'We would not have been able to do this without you.' I say to Carol, 'you saved this world. Anything you need, anything at all. Call me.'
I turn finally to Pepper. 'I am so, so sorry about Tony.' I say. I don't want to bring it up, but I know I have to. She clutches her son a little tighter but nods slowly. 'And I'm so sorry Peter has to grow up without a father. I am so so sorry.' I find that I am sobbing because I believe it is my fault. Tony would be alive had I not tracked Carol, not found her and told her of everything that had happened, not engaged her with this world. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Shuri,' She says, taking my hand and gripping it tightly, 'Tony's death is not on you. It is on Thanos. And no one else. He knew what he was doing, he's done it for long enough. Others will tell Peter about his father. We've lost Tony, but you've bought back so many people.'
T'challa places both hands on my shoulders as I say my final goodbye to Carol and Pepper. He leads me out of the marque and without saying anything I start to walk towards the graves. No one stands around them so I can stand and speak freely.
I stand beside T'challa at the base of the graves and for a long time I don't say anything.
'Tony was the first one I went to when I found out about Carol. I found him and I confided in him and he humoured me and didn't get angry at me for breaking into his home. The glass shattered after the impact and he turned to protect me. I had the power of the Black Panther, he is human. Despite everything he is human. And he did that for me. He went with me to recruit everyone, I would not have been able to do it without him. Everyone forgets that he is just a man. An incredibly clever man. And Steve. I didn't know him well personally but we know Bucky. I love Bucky like I love you, like a brother. You know this. Steve went in to get Bucky and he sacrificed himself for him.'
'Shuri...' T'challa says but I don't stop talking.
'I will always owe Steve for bringing Bucky back to me. Always. Because I could only go in for one person and obviously I went in for you. You are my brother and you are the king. But it hurt me to know I couldn't go in for Bucky. And Steve got Bucky out. And that is why we stay, and that is why we honour them, as if they were Wakandans. I will mourn the soldiers we lost, but I will not neglect these two.'
'I'm sorry, Shuri.' T'challa says, placing an arm around my shoulder.
'We should go home.' I say, 'we should see mother. Let's go home.'
'Okay.' He says, 'let's go home.'

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