Part 40

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I gasp for air and look around, Steve's body lies still to my right. I ignore the others in the room and fall towards him. I cling to his arms but they start to fade away. It only takes a couple seconds before he's completely gone.
I stay still on the floor, head hanging low.
'He's not...Steve isn't...' Pepper is behind me and I stand up to face her.
I can't find it within myself to say anything so I just nod. She takes a sharp inhale and stumbles a bit backwards.
'Has the fight started?' I ask, wanting to think of anything other than Steve.
'A while ago. They're outside.' Another woman says. I nod and head out the door before they can say anything else.
It takes me a moment to locate weapons of any sort but I find them payed out on a table, as if waiting for me. Three guns, one strapped to my back, and I head out the door.
Instantly I see Tony and I hesitate. He fights three aliens and it only takes him a second to kill them all. He lands on the floor and turns towards me.
He stops still and stares. I know he can tell, I've come out alone, he knows Steve didn't make it. But he still comes up to me.
'Captain on his way?' He asks, a slight stutter in his voice.
'He said he was sorry, that he regrets leaving. He said he loved you all and he didn't want to go.' I say quietly and Tony breathes in heavily.
'God...' He says, bringing his hand to his head. 'God.' His mask flips open and he falls back against a tree. Just as he falls back a ship bigger then the rest lands in the South and the landing echoes throughout the surrounding area.
The fighting stops momentarily and everyone looks toward it. It's clear that that is where the fight will end. It isn't for sure, but I know both Tony and I think Thanos is in that ship.
'Tony...' I say, knowing he's about to fly off before he does. But he's gone before I can stop him. I hesitate a moment but find myself running after him. I think of Steve, and I run faster. Thanos is responsible for this and I will win this fight if it's the last thing I do.

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