Part 47

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Aunt May comes up to me after the ceremony and takes my hands in hers, we stand beside Tony's grave in silence before Ned comes up to us.
'Hey Peter, I need to get going.' He says. I let go of Aunt May and hug him tightly. He holds onto me and we stay like that for a while longer. MJ is the only one who couldn't make it here, and so the only one I couldn't meet again. I called her and we talked for a over an hour but I still need to see her. 'I missed you.' He says, letting go.
'I missed you too.' I say, simply. He holds out his hand and I laugh slightly. We do our handshake we've had for god knows how long and he gives a final nod to me and Aunt May before walking away.
'See you around, Ned.' Aunt May says as he heads towards the jets taking everyone where they need to be.
Bucky sits beside Steve's grave and Natasha stands beside a tree that stands a bit above the two graves, central. She's in a black dress and I find it odd to see her out of her avengers outfit. Aunt May sees me looking at her and taps my shoulder lightly.
'I'll be a second.' I say. She nods and heads over to the marque.
'Tony really took a liking to you.' Natasha says, walking slowly towards me till we stand side by side staring down at his grave.
'Yeah.' Is all I can think of to say.
'Named his son after you.' She says.
'I don't feel like I deserve that.'
'He saw you like a son. It's weird, I wouldn't have pegged Tony for a family man and there he went proving us all wrong.' I look at her but she stays staring at the coffin.
'Not a son. He didn't...' I say quietly.
'I've known Tony a long time, he sure did love you. Ask any of us, we all saw it. He spent months hidden away in his workshop trying to find ways to bring you back. And he did.' She does the courtesy of not looking at me as I pretend that I am not crying. 'You going in?' She asks after a moment.
'No. No I'm going to stay here a little longer.' I say, wiping my eyes quickly. She nods and lingers a little as she passes Steve's grave. She places her hand on Bucky shoulder and he lifts his hand to hold onto hers a little. It only lasts a moment before she walks off, leaving Bucky at Steve's grave and me at Tony's.
'This your first?' Bucky asks after a moment. I look up at him and find myself drawing a blank. Bucky always intimidated me, the long dark hair and the weird black paint he used to have around his eyes I saw in the papers. Also how he used to be the enemy. 'Funeral.' He says to further clarify.
'Oh.' I say, 'No. Not really. Dad. And mum. And Uncle.' He's silent, looking at me, analysing. 'You?' I ask.
'Parents, but I was young. And I didn't exactly get to go to my brothers' or sister's. But they were all buried together and they had a headstone for me too. It was weird.' I nod, weirdly able to relate. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for Bucky, he's the only one from his time now, he doesn't have Steve to reminisce or to confide in.
'My aunt got a gravestone put down for me too.' I say, laughing slightly despite myself, 'I haven't seen it yet, she just told me about it. Apparently there was a big ceremony, everyone from my school went. I don't like thinking about it.'
'It's a unique situation.' He says.
'I'm...sorry about Steve.' I say after a moment. He looks at me and I feel extremely judged but he smiles slightly and nods to me.
'Thanks. I'm sorry about Tony.' He says. He remains sitting, his one hand blocking the sun from his eyes.
'Yeah. Yeah.' I look at Tony's grave and for a moment wish we had the sensation of scattering his ashes instead, not burying him beneath the ground. I feel like he wouldn't like to be buried. But seeing his and Steve's headstones together makes it seem a little less isolated. I know how Tony felt about Steve, and I feel like there would be no one he'd rather lie side by side with, as equals.
I begin to walk towards the marque but instead turn back to where Bucky sits. I hold my hand out to him and after a second he takes it and let's me help pull him up.
We don't speak as we walk back to the marque, where everyone stands around, drinking and talking in hushed tones.
We walk the minute long walk in silence and I think about Tony and I'm sure Bucky thinks about Steve. When we reach the marque we exchange a small smile of knowing, knowing how much these next few weeks, months, are going to suck, but knowing we'll get through it. And then we head our separate ways, me back to Aunt May who is talking with Shuri and T'challa, and Bucky over to the bar where Sam and Natasha sit.

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