Part 36

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I sit in the bunker beside Laura, holding Peter, Lila on Laura's lap. Clint, Thor, Natasha and Bruce stand above Tony and Steve, after carrying them down themselves.
'They'll wake.' Natasha says, placing her hand lightly on my shoulder. Throughout the years I've learnt Natasha's tendencies; while she comes across cold and uncaring, she is overly caring and an incredibly maternal person. It's taken years to break through to her, but she manages to comfort me slightly right now when I need it most.
I don't say anything, just nod.
Clint goes down to Lila's level and speaks to her while the rest of them gather around Tony and Steve.
'This isn't right.' Bruce says, 'they're not...they shouldn't...'
'I know.' Natasha says, looking at Steve.
'Thanos will not be hesitant with us today.' Thor says after a moment's thought, 'You must never fight with the intention of it being your last, but you should always be prepared for it to be.'
No one says anything, but Clint stands up, leaving Lila with her mother and moves over to the group. I stay seated with Peter, allowing them to have their moment with Steve and Tony, perhaps one of their last moments together.
'I came to this Earth a fool, and left a better man. Tony and Steve, all of you, you are all fine people and I will be honoured to fight among you.' Thor says, staring straight st Tony, everyone staring at him.
'I was...I used to be scared of the other guy, I wasn't in control.' Bruce says, quietly, awkwardly, 'I don't want to get things all poetic in here but I lived my better life with all of you.'
'For a long time it was just me and Nat. And I loved that, don't get me wrong, but we have our limits. We all do. We would have lost this world way back without all of you.' Clint looks at his wife and daughter and back to the others, 'let's take it back.'
There is a long silence where they all look to Tony and Steve.
'God...' Natasha says, looking away and then back at them, 'I don't want to go without saying my piece. I thought I couldn't make any good out of what I was, but I did and I have. And that is down to all of you. It's down to SHIELD for taking me in and Tony for making us this team and Steve for...God, for sorting us out. But we have made good, and I want to do that until I die. And if I die making good, so be it.' She speaks quickly, quietly, but it is clear they are done now, they have each said their piece however reluctant, and they are prepared.
They leave one by one, making eye contact with me and Laura one last time. Clint goes last and he lingers at the door.
'Shut the door behind me, don't open for anyone but me or Natasha. Only open to let Tony or Steve out into the fight.' He looks to Laura and Lila, 'I love you both so much. I'll see you soon.' He shuts the door and there's an overwhelming silence which follows.
Neither of us speak but about ten minutes into the silence Peter starts to cry.
I stand in the corner, rocking him but he won't stop crying for over half an hour. And I'm aware that the fighting could be going on right now, people could be dead or dying right now. I hold Peter tighter.
'Pepper...?' Laura says quietly. I turn around. She's staring at Tony. 'He just...he just moved I swear.'
'I saw it too.' Lila says.
'What does that mean?' I ask, moving to his side.
'I don't know.'
'Tony? Tony can you hear me?' He jolts forward almost hitting me, eyes wide open and arms clinging to the table.
'Peter?' He asks, looking round. He sees me and takes me by my shoulders and pulls me into a hug, 'You okay? Is everything okay?'
'I don't know, they're upstairs, did you find him?'
'Yes. Yes. He was here, he should be here.' He looks around and sees Laura, 'Hi, hey, you're back. You're back, it worked.' He continues to look around the room for Peter.
Ash gathers in the corner of the room and I know that it has worked. I make a involuntary gasp of joy and Tony moves slightly towards it.
Peter lies on the floor, at first unmoving but he moves his arm slightly. Tony bends down beside him.
'Peter? Kid can you hear me? Peter?' He rests his hand on his shoulder and as soon as he touches him Peter turns round, defensive. He looks around, panicked, he backs against the floor looking scared. 'Hey, hey, hey, you're here, you're safe. You're back home.' Tony says, both hands on Peter's shoulders.
'Mr.Stark?' Peter asks eventually in a quiet voice.
'You're okay, kid.' Peter leans in and Tony hugs him fiercely. Tony buries his head into Peter's shoulders, and Peter is obviously sobbing as he holds onto Tony.
'You're okay, kid, I promise you're safe. I promise you're safe.' They stay hugging for a couple minutes, but eventually baby Peter makes a noise and Tony pulls away to look to me. 'You want to meet My Peter?' Tony asks. Peter wipes the tears from his face and nods, laughing.
'I didn't think you were serious.' He says, standing up from where he was kneeling and coming over. I hand baby Peter over to Tony and other Peter stands beside him looking at the baby.
'You named him after me.' He says, shaking his head slightly.
'You want to hold him?' Tony asks. Peter hesitated for a moment before taking him in his arms.
No one speaks for a couple seconds but Peter breaks the silence, 'We have to go up and fight.'
'Not you.' Tony says.
'I have to fight. It's my choice, and I choose to fight.' Peter says, handing baby Peter back to me.
'There's no shame in sitting out.' I say.
'I know.' He says, 'I know, but Dr.Strange said there was one scenario where we win. One scenario. And I know I have to fight. I know it.'
Tony stands still, staring at Peter. He looks as though he's thinking everything through in his head. 'I have your suit upstairs. You stay smart, you fight to stay alive.' Tony says and Peter nods. He turns to me now and pulls me into a hug, the baby between us.
'This is the end fight. After this, it'll be over. Our chances are slim, and Thanos will throw everything he has against us.' He pauses and let's out a strained breathe, 'if I don't come back from this-'
'Tony.' I say, tears pricking in my eyes.
'If I don't come back from this. I want you to be happy, I want you and Peter to be safe and stay away from all of this...superhero stuff. You're a fantastic mother, and this last year has been hard for us but I've kept every second of it. If I go, then you have other people. You have Natasha and Clint and Bruce and Thor and Steve if he ever wakes up.' I let out a laugh within the crying, 'You will not raise this kid on your own. I love you so much, Pepper.'
'I love you, Tony.'
'I love you and I love Peter and I don't want to leave you but I have to and I will come back to you if I can. But if I can't, I love you and I want you to remember that.' I nod, and wipe my eyes. He kisses me lightly, gently, and strokes Peter on his head. He turns to Steve and looks down at him.
He looks as though he's about to say something, but instead settles for holding Steve on his shoulder lightly for a moment, and then turning away.
'C'mon Pete, our people need backup.'

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