Part 26

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'Hey Wanda?' I shout as I climb the stairs, knocking on each door. 'Wanda you in here?'
'Hello?' A voice comes back from a room at the end of the corridor.
'Wanda?' I shout, running to the door and preparing myself to knock it down. The door opens a moment before I go to kick it and Wanda stands there, in the outfit she wore when I last saw her.
She stands still for a second before hugging me and burying her head in my shoulder.
'Hey you're alright girl.' I say, rubbing her back to comfort her.
'Vision's dead.' She says, sobbing. 'Thanos won.'
'I'm so sorry about Vision. But Thanos hasn't won, not yet.' I push her back a little to make her look at my face, 'we can bring this back.'
'I don't know if I can do it.' She says, stepping back into her room.
'You have to.' I say.
'I have no one.'
'You know that's a load of crap. You've got me, you've got the rest of the group. Clint says hi by the way.'
'You know what I mean.' She says, shrugging it off.
'No, I really don't. We need you, Wanda, you're the strongest out of all of us. Me, you and Okoye fought pretty well way back when. I'd like to give that another try.'
'I'd like that too.' She says after a moment.
'So let's find the way out of here.' I say.
'What do you mean?'
'We need to find our bridge from the soul stone to the real world.' I say in explanation, 'it could be anything from a ladder to-'
'The train station.' She says, quite simply.
'That's how we get back, we take a train. I have to do what Vision never did. I need to leave here. I need to leave Vision.'
'Then let's go.' I say quietly, taking her hand and leading her out of the room. She follows behind and as I turn to look at her I find that as she walks away, the furniture starts to fade away, along with the building itself. The world behind her seems to slip away until it is just us in this world and the train.
'You good?' I ask as I step into the waiting train and wait for her to follow.
'I'm good.' She says, stepping on and shutting the doors behind her. The train starts and everything starts to lose focus.

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