Part 34

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I open a door to find that it leads back to where we started. Bucky follows behind me and sits on the counter as we take another break.
'Did she say nothing else about what the exit would look like?' He asks, using his one arm to pull hi hair back behind his ears.
'She made out that you'd know where it was. Like it'd be obvious more or less.'
'Well clearly not.' Bucky moves to the other side of the room.
'We could try upstairs.' I try for another time, not sure why he's so against it.
'It's not there. The exit won't be up there.' He says, certain.
'Bucky we're going to have to try.'
'Let's go out again.' He ignores me.
He opens the door and walks down the corridor. I follow a bit behind but find that there are some things missing, a door to the left, a desk in a room further down.
'Bucky something's happening down here.' I say slowly, 'Things are changing.'
'What do you mean?'
The further we walk the more I see disappearing. Doors and patterns, general building things.
'We need to go upstairs Bucky. I don't know why you don't want to, but we have to. Carol said if we were in much longer than the others then our worlds would begin to collapse. We've clearly spent too long here.'
'I'm not going upstairs.' He says.
'You have to, Buck.' I take his one arm and pull him up the stairs with a load of struggle, 'we need to find the way out.'
'This won't work.' He says, 'this isn't the way out. We can't do this.'
'You can't know that.' I say, continuing up the stairs as I turn round and see that the ground floor has practically disappeared.
'This won't work.' He says, no longer fighting back, but doubt filling his head.
'We'll make it work.' I say, as we set off to look around the next floor.

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