Part 4

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Rocket, I had realised as I let Pepper down on the sofa, had gone off the moment we landed. He would need time to cool off, the tree was like his son, in some weird way. I hold my new axe by the handle Tree made and feel sorrow knowing he is gone.
An hour goes by, Pepper falls asleep and I place a blanket over her. Clint and Pepper come in a while later.
'So this is the new building.' Clint says, holding Lila's hand. 'Is there a room Lila and I can share? She needs to sleep she's been awake way too long.'
'Along the corridor, second door to the left.' Natasha says quietly, noticing Pepper asleep on the sofa.
Clint leaves with Lila and Natasha stays behind. I stand up and walk to the kitchen with her so we don't wake Pepper.
'Is she Okay?' Natasha asks.
'She pregnant.' I reply. It is not my secret to tell, but Natasha would know more about human pregnancy than I would, seeing as she is a human.
'Wow. Does Tony know?' She says after a moment.
'I think so. She didn't make it very clear.'
'Right. Wow.' She stays silent for a moment then flinches and brings her hand to her waist.
'What is wrong?' I ask, moving towards her.
'Bullet grazed me in the fight. And I took a couple hits to the head. And I've been awake for over 36 hours.'
'Go to your room, sleep. You're not needed now, you might be later. You'll be more help well rested.' She nods and taps my arm as she walks by me. I watch as she heads down the same corridor as Clint and turns right at the first door.
I find I cannot sleep, and do not need to. I sit by Pepper instead and wait, knowing Tony would want me beside her.

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