Part 8

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No one thought I would win my first battle against an opposer. Madri called me down as soon as I was crowned, and I defeated him in under a minute.
Two other people took me on, and after I beat them they left the kingdom to me.
Okoye rules beside me, helps me make the decisions I struggle to make. I left without telling her today.
I expected Tony to throw me out, he was dealing with Thanos well. Still blaming himself, but getting over it.
As far as I know, only Rocket and I have kept faith. He snuck into Wakanda without any detection and came into my room, managing to get past the countless guards on duty.
He held a gun to my head when I woke up I was frozen instantly. I recognised him from the battle, but it was a month later and I hadn't heard from him.
'You Shuri?' He'd asked in a drunken slur.
'Yes.' I answered.
'Everyone's out there fixing shit. Not trying to turn things back. I hear you're trying.' His grip wavered and I feared he might accidentally shoot me.
'Yes. I'm going to bring my brother back.' I said.
'I lost my whole friggin family. You going to bring them back?' He asked, a desperate plea.
'I will.' I said, reaching my hand up to his gun and pulling it down. 'You may stay here as long as you wish. You may help me in my attempts to bring them all back. You are welcome here.'
'Just bring them back, okay princess?' He jumped off my bed and walked towards the door.
'It's Queen.' I had said, quietly, the word sounding wrong in reference to me, but I wore it proudly.
I hadn't told him where I was going either, too many times I had let him down. I could not again.
I walk up to a glass window and place a hand against it. Craning my neck, I try and see as far up into the sky as I can.
I check my watch, any second.
I see a speck, a small speck, but it is all I need.
'Tony?' I call out, 'Tony, come quick.'
Tony comes out carrying his son in his arms and hurried beside me.
'No.' He whispers, disbelieving.
'He's here.' I say. The speck grows bigger and bigger and I soon realise the impact is going to come quick and strong. 'Tony, run.' I say.
'Run!' I manage, turning. Tony understands and reacts slightly quicker than me, pushing me down and falling on top of me to protect me from the glass flying past. Peter is crying between us and Tony wraps his body around him.
Once the glass has fallen, Tony checks for scratches but Peter is clear. My arms hold multiple shards of glass but they would have been much worse if Tony hadn't blocked them.
Tony has the worst damage, a back full of glass. He seems in pain but nothing life threatening right now. We both turn towards the field ahead, where a large crater now sits.
'Do we...?' I start, not sure how to finish.
Tony leads the way and I follow. We reach the edge and I peer over.
'Hello?' I shout warily, just as a figure stands up and looks around. They turn to face me and I realise she is a woman, long blonde hair and red cheeks.
'Hey.' She says, in an anticlimax, 'Do you guys have a way to get me out of here?'

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