Part 24

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I know the building back to front, have gone everywhere but I always end up back in the small room where they took my free will away from me.
I sit by the railing where Steve jumped across when he came to save me, my legs dangling into the drop below. I'd taken my metal arm off, not liking the reminder of the things I was made to do. Shuri's replacement is fantastic, but it still reminds me of it all.
I hear footsteps a long while off and for a while I think I'm imagining it.
'Bucky? Bucky you here?' I hear echoing through the building.
'Steve?' I say unsure whether I'm imaging things. 'Steve?' I shout louder after I got no response.
'Bucky?! It's me. Where are you?' I run down the stairs looking for Steve, sure it was him.
'Steve I'm by the stairs.' I shout, looking round for him; and then I see him.
I run forward and embrace him. He hugs me tightly, forcing me a couple steps backwards from the ferocity of it.
'I thought I'd never see you again.' He says quietly, still holding tight.
'I knew you'd find a way.' I say.
'I'd given up. I thought you were gone.' He says and I pull back slightly.
'You gave up after a couple days? I expected a bit more dedication.' I say, laughing a little.
'Bucky you were gone for a year.' He says and I freeze.
'A year?'
'Wow. I is everyone?' I ask, unsure how to handle myself.
'Half the population disappeared. We lost you, T'challa, Wanda, Peter. We lost a lot of people.' He says, sitting on the steps beside me.
'But I mean, a year.' I say, still in shock.
'Tony had his kid.' He says to my shock, 'Natasha and Bruce are together. Shuri took over T'challa's position.'
'Shuri's Queen?' I ask, amazed.
'And black Panther.' I say.
'How is she?'
'She's in the stone looking for her brother.'
'She's in the stone?'
'So are we. Look, I'll explain everything to you but we need to get out of here first.'
'I've tried everything, I always just end up back in that crappy room.'
'What room?' He asks.
' know...the place where you found me. Where they...'
'Right.' He says, saving me from having to say any more. 'Well we're just going to have to try again.'

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