Part 50

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Despite walking away earlier on in the day, I find myself back at Tony and Steve's graves. A hand on my waist and for once I don't react with defence, because I recognise Bruce's touch.
I turn to him and kiss him lightly on the lips. 'Hey.' I say, turning back to the graves.
'I lost you in there.' He says, 'figured you came back here.'
'I can't get my head around it.' I say, leaning my head on Bruce's shoulder.
'It doesn't seem right.' He says.
I hear footsteps and look to see Clint heading towards us.
'Hey.' He says, stopping a couple feet off from us, 'The boys are tired from the ride here and Laura wants to go back home. So I think we're heading off soon.'
'You're going?' I ask, a little disappointed.
'I don't want to, I'd stay, but the kids...' He says, trailing off.
'No, no, I understand. Of course. It's just...' I start.
'It's happening so quickly.' Bruce finishes for me.
'I know.' Clint says, eyes moving over to the graves.
Thor comes up behind Clint, giving a small smile as we turn to him.
'It seems that I'm to be going soon.' He says, stopping beside Clint. 'I wanted to say goodbye to you all before.'
We all stand in silence, looking down at the two graves. No one can think of anything fitting to say, nothing good enough.
'This seems final.' I say, 'I feel like it's over.'
'What?' Bruce prompts me.
'This. The avengers, you know. Steve and Tony, they organised us. They made us.' I bit my lip, not wanting to see anyone's reaction.
'Well, it is over.' Thor says, simply, 'The avengers was us, us four, Steve and Tony. We cannot be the avengers without them. So we become something new.'
'Earth's not going to stay saved.' Clint says.
'Never does.' Bruce agrees.
'So this is the end.' I say.
'Yes it is.' Thor confirms. 'But that is okay.'
'I'm going to miss you guys.' I say, inwardly hating myself for admitting it.
'Then come visit more.' Clint says. 'It's that simple. Apart from Thor. If we visit Thor we could die from lack of air.'
'I will come visit.' Thor says, laughing.
'I need to go.' Clint says, finally.
'As do I.' Thor says.
'I think we're going to hang around a bit longer.' I say, 'check in on Pepper and Peter. Wanda. Just make sure everything's good.'
Clint comes up to me and pulls me into a hug. He strokes my hair slightly then pulls back. He moves over to Bruce who he pulls into a hug too. Clint, I have discovered over the last ten years, is a hugger. And I love that about him.
He moves over to Thor and hugs him. Thor properly goes in for the hug and it is a good thing to see, both of them fully comfortable with each other.
'Send my love to your wife and children.' Thor says to Clint as he walks away. 'And tell Lila next time I visit I want to see that slingshot I've heard so much about.'
'Will do.' Clint says, smiling and walking back to his family.
'Right.' Thor says, clapping his hands together. 'Bruce!' He says, opening his arms up and wrapping Bruce in a tight hug. 'I will miss you, send me a laptop and send me an electronic letter.'
'I will do that.' Bruce says as Thor let's go. Thor steps up to me and I hug him tightly.
'Stay safe, Thor.' I say.
'You too.' He says, softly.
I let go and Thor waves as he turns and walks towards the building.
I stand back with Bruce, his arm around my waist. His hand interlocks with mine and I grip it tightly.
'We're going to be alright, aren't we?' I ask, finding it so hard to believe that this pain of loss will go away, that we'll feel okay again.
'We will. I promise.' Bruce says. 'You want to head back up?' He asks after a moment.
'You go, I'll catch up.'
'You sure?'
'Yeah. Go.' I say.
I watch him start to walk back up to the marque as I walk slowly up to the two headstones.
'I'm going to miss you two.' I say quietly, tears forming in my eyes, 'You idiots. You utter idiots. I promise I'll look after Earth. I'll look out for Pepper and both Peter's and Bucky. I promise.' I pause for a moment, 'and I'll look out for myself too. Because I know you both want that. I'll see you again. But not soon. I'm not going anywhere soon.' I look at the two headstones one last time before turning away and walking back up to the marque where Bruce is waiting.

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