Part 15

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I wake with the vague notion of something being wrong. Something being terribly wrong. But the surroundings are calm, empty.
My head is pounding and I look up to see a familiar room. I go through my head, searching for where I recognise this room. Somewhere, something recent.
I turn my head right and see a large mechanical door. It comes at me at once, the place I was trapped for the night on the day of the decathlon. It's whiter and cleaner, but definitely the same place.
'Hello?' I call out, to no answer. 'Karen? You there?' My suit doesn't reply and I feel very much alone.
My mind drifts to my last few moments awake, Tony sitting above me and then just being gone. No feeling, just nothing. And then here.
Thanos won. He killed half the population and I was that half.
I look around me, looking for any chance to get out, and my eyes fall upon the lock code. I run towards it and stop, I had Karen keeping track of the number last time, there's no way I'll be able to remember all the ones I've tried and all the ones I'm yet to try.
I sit down, my back against the wall, wondering what I'd find on the other side of the door.

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