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Alex POV

"I mean, what did expect would come out of dating a Schuyler?" I sniffled.

The end of the day had come, and I was at John's place. I was stuffing coconut ice cream in my mouth, while John did the same, but with pizza. The only other difference was that I was crying, he was not.

"Something good... I guess?" John shrugged his shoulders.

I noticed he did that when he didn't know what to say.

"I did, but Eliza wasn't satisfied! She left me, like everyone else!" I cried.

"I'm still here,"

"Y-You're just saying that because you feel bad for me. You don't really care,"

"It's what friends do, Alexander,"


"Yeah, yeah,"

"Just know, I'll always be here, as your friend," John tried to comfort me.

"It doesn't make any sense, John,"

"What doesn't?" John's voice was soft and calming.

"Eliza! You! Everything! Eliza wouldn't cheat on me! And you! You- I didn't ever think you were real! But here you are! It feels like the universe is crashing down on me!" I yelled.

"W-What do you mean?"

"I shouldn't even tell you, we barely know each other,"

"Alex, you're completely unreadable right now,"

"Sorry," was all I managed to choke out.

"Alexander, tell me, what do you want?"


"Oh... Oh! This is like us getting revenge on Eliza-"

"No! John, I can't stand this feeling! It's tearing me apart! I am helpless!"


I saw true concern in his expression.

I suddenly lost the ability to speak. I could only choke on my own sorrow.

We didn't speak for the rest of the night. I just dozed off, while he held me in his arms.

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