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*2 months later*

John POV

Laf, Herc, Alex, and I decided to go to a bar in celebration of Jefferson getting suspended for a month.

"laisse-moi baiser, mon amour," Laf slurred.

(sorry I don't speak French just go on google translate)

Laf had taken far too many shots, and his new life goal was apparently getting Herc to suck his dick.

Alex and I didn't drink as much, but he was certainly not sober.

"I'm taking Laf home," Herc announced, dragging Laf along with him.

Alex and I nodded.

I had stopped drinking, but Alex only took more shots.

"Hamilton, you need to stop," I deadpanned.


People around us gave us weird looks.

"Hamilton, I think we should leave,"

"What?! No 'Alex'?"

"No 'Alex' until you're sober," I rolled my eyes.

"But jOhn!" Hamilton complained.

"Nope," I dragged him outside.

"Carry meeee," He slurred.

He looks as if he was about to pass out, so I complied. I scooped him up in my arms, my face heating up in the process.

We walked down the lonely street, barely still lit by the streetlights. Alex was surprisingly quiet.

"John?" Alex spoke softly. However, he was still slurring a lot.


"I-I like you a lot..."

"No you don't, you're drunk," I instantly denied his claim.

He couldn't like me, not at all. He was too perfect, too good for me.

"You don't know that!"

"Alex, I saw you take at least fifty one shots, I know you're drunk,"

"Oh so now you're calling me Alex?" He winked.

I stayed silent for the rest of the walk.

When I arrived at my apartment, Alex had already passed out.

I sat him down on the couch, and covered him up with my fluffiest blanket.

God, he looks so cute.

I shook my head, and went to bed myself.

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