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John POV

"There's been an accident with your siblings,"

Those words stung through my heart.

"What?! What happened?!" I could hear the fear cracking my voice.

"That's all he told us,"

"What do you mean he?"

"Your father, Henry Laurens,"

That simply angered me. He didn't care. He had never loved us, just ruined us.

I only clenched my fists behind my back.

"He's waiting outside for you. He said he's giving you a ride back to South Carolina to see them," explained the office lady.

"Okay," my voice just screamed hurt.

I stepped outside, scanning the parking lot. I saw his blue van, it was quite obnoxious compared to the rest, and walked over.

I tapped on the window, and he unlocked the door. I slid into the soft grey seat, avoiding eye contact.

"How's living on your own?" He asked while starting up the car. I hadn't heard his voice in a long time.

"What's it to you"? I remarked.

"Listen, I know I haven't been the best father figure for you and your siblings. I lash out a lot-"

"No shit," I rolled my eyes.

"Don't talk to your commander like that!" He yelled.

"Sorry, no shit, Sir,"

He glared at me, but his eyes softened instantly.

"I'm sorry,"

"What?!" I was surprised.

"I'm sorry for everything. I'm the worst father ever,"

"I'm sure there are worse out there," I shrugged my shoulders.

"No, I'm the way worst because I hurt you,"

I was shocked.

"I promise to accept all of your decisions from this moment until I die, but will you please forgive me...?" He looked at me sadly for a split second.

"Y-Yes, but what happened to my siblings?"

"They were in a plane crash on their way to London,"

Tears found their way into the corners of my eyes.

We continued the drive in complete silence.

~time skip brought to you by depression~

"You may see them now," The brunette doctor informer us.

My father and I sat up and headed to the rooms of my brothers and sisters.

First, went to James and Henry Jr.'s room.

James had a broken arm and a few cuts, but the doctors said he'd be the most likely to survive.

Henry Jr. had a couple of broken ribs.

Second, we headed to Mary and Martha's room.

Mary had her occipital lobe badly damaged, and would probably go blind.

Martha was in a coma.

After visiting, Dad and I went back to his apartment, and went to bed. I didn't get very much sleep, but I wasn't even tired the next day.

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