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Alex POV

"Alex! Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" Mom yelled from the kitchen, waking me up.

I was in my bed, even though I had fallen asleep on the couch.

I walked downstairs, memories from yesterday flooding back to me.

I sat down at the kitchen table, avoiding eye contact.

"You get to see John after breakfast~" Mom tried to lighten the mood.

I stayed silent, fighting back tears.

I picked at my food, and Dad and I left soon afterwards.

"Alexander, I am so sorry you had to experience that yesterday,"

I continued to stay quiet.

~time skip brought to you by angst~

As soon as we entered the hospital, I was greeted with lots of screaming.

Dad ushered me away from all the noise, and we headed to John's room.

"I'll be right outside, okay?" Dad said.

I nodded, then stepped inside. I saw John, and almost fainted.

I ran up to him, and noticed where he had been shot. In the leg, not super lethal, but must have hurt.

"Hello?" A man snapped me out of my thoughts.

He looked a lot like John, and especially had the same height, tall.

"I'm Henry, John's dad," He introduced himself.

I knew this guy. He was the one who had abused John all those years.

I was about to lash out on him, but I noticed how sad he seemed. I didn't do anything.

"I-I'm sorry about your son," I looked down at my feet.

"As long as he stays alive, I'll be happy,"


"So are you my son's friend?"


We stopped talking, as we noticed John seemed to be waking up.

He opened his eyes, and let them adjust the the white hospital room.

The only words he managed to get out was, "Can I talk to Alex... alone?"

John's Dad obeyed, and left the room.

"Alex... I'm sorry,"

"For what?!"

"I'm the one who got shot,"

"Yeah, but you didn't die, and that's what matters,"

"I feel like I should've,"

"What the heck I gotta do to make you believe you deserve to live?"

For some reason, we both knew the answer the question, without saying a word.

And like that, our lips connected, making the world seem like a blur.

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