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John POV

I hadn't been talking to anyone since the accident. I was too overwhelmed with emotion.

Thankfully though, my dad hadn't drank in the entire week I had spent with him.

However, that day would be my last day in South Carolina before I had to go back to NYC.

I decided to check social media to see what my friends had been up to.


Anybody know why Alex stayed at school late on Friday?



He got detention for beating the shit out of Jefferson



Why'd he do that?



He called John a scumbag and I couldn't have that


I wasn't too surprised, Jefferson was an asshole. However, we barely even knew each other, why did he feel the need to insult me?

I decided to go to sleep. What more could I do?

~time skip brought to you by bacon~

"Alright Dad, if anything important happens, tell me, okay?" I asked.

"Sure thing, son," My dad answered.

I liked being called that.

"Love you,"

"Love you too!"

"Oh, and one more thing, son,"


"I'm proud of you,"

I smiled. I truly felt happy.

I waved goodbye and ran off towards the train station.

I got onto the second class seating area, and took a seat next to a window.

Two guys sat next to me. One had whitish blonde hair, and was dressed like royalty. The other had red hair, and dressed sort of like me.

"I'm just saying Samuel, we should have just gone to first class," the blonde complained.

The other rolled his eyes.

After a long ride of hearing nothing but bickering from the people I had sat by, I hopped off to train when it came to a stop.

I realized how much graffiti was sprayed across the station. The most noticeable was "BITCH" painted in yellow.

I took a cab to my apartment, and got there quickly. I avoided talking to the driver.

As soon as I walked inside, I plopped onto my bed and passed out.

Sorry if this chapter made u carsick.

ALSO thank you for 100 reads!!! It means a lot to know people actually enjoy this random idea!!!

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