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TW: guns used a school (I swear trigger warnings are basically foreshadowing)

Alex POV

John and I were talking about turtles at his locker, when the bell suddenly rang.

We said our goodbyes, and I headed to class.

All went pretty normal, but a deafening alarm scared the shit out of everyone, right as the class ended.

I heard screams and gunshots echoing through the halls, and my heart dropped.

I quickly ran out of the classroom with everyone else. I tried to look around for John, but he was nowhere in sight.

As soon as my classmates and I were outside, Washington- Dad counted people and made sure everyone was with their class.

When he got to me, he made sure I wasn't hurt in anyway. He seemed relieved I had survived, but I was still horrified. John was still missing.

A few hours later, I was at home, while my new mom, Martha, tried to comfort me.

"I'm sure John is fine," Mom obviously lied.

"When will Dad be home?" I asked, my voice sounded horrible.

"In a few hours, darling,"

Almost as if on cue, Dad opened the front door, with a worried expression.

"Alexander," his tone was serious, but sad.


"John was... shot,"

My heart dropped as I burst into tears again.

"Don't worry, son, he's in the hospital now,"

"Can we visit him?" I inquired.

"I've already scheduled an appointment for tomorrow morning," Dad comforted me.

I fell asleep soon afterwards, trying to forget the events of the school day.

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