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Alex POV

I woke up in a warm embrace, startling me. However, I soon realized that it was only John.

I turned a deep shade of red.

I tried nudging him awake.

"John, wake up,"

"Nnng... not now dad..." John mumbled.

"I'm not your dad, John," I chuckled.

John opened his eyes and turned a light shade of pink, noticing that I was in his arms.

"Sooo," he avoided eye contact.

"Sooo, wanna skip school? We're already late anyway," I checked the time on my phone.

"God, I thought I'd never hear those words coming from a nerd like you, Alexander," John teased.

"Oh shut up, you love this nerd," I smirked.

He was the darkest shade I had ever seen.

"Anyway," He quickly changed the subject. "Do you want to go somewhere? My apartment is pretty boring."

"How about we go get something to eat?" I suggested.

"Cool beans," John nodded.

~time skip brought to you by third hour~

We finished our waffles in a comfortable silence, aside from the occasional small talk.

"Hey Alex?" John said.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"Want me to take you to the dankest place ever?"

"Lead the way," I nodded.

We kept walking, and I noticed we were downtown. I wasn't usually the type to hang out there, but I didn't say anything.

"Here we are," John snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked around. We were on a beach, and the soon was about to set. I wasn't sure why he thought this place was cool, until I looked on the ground ahead of me. Turtles everywhere.

John walked over to one and picked him up.

"I like to name them all, even if I've forgotten all their names by the time I'm back," John laughed nervously. "What do you want to name this one?" John asked, gesturing towards the turtle in his arms.

Is it possible to be jealous of a turtle?

"How about... Phillip?" I suggested.

"That's a good name," he nodded.

"Well how about that one?" I pointed over to one of the smaller turtles.


We continued naming random turtles until it was dark, and we could see the stars.

John's freckles reminded me of the stars, glistening in the moonlight. It was peaceful.

"We should be heading back," John suddenly spoke.

"Yeah, I have homework,"

"All you ever do is homework, Alex,"

I had a dirty joke in mind, but I kept it to myself.

"Well sorry for wanting good grades, John. Last time I checked you were already failing American history," I teased.

"Oh, like you haven't failed a class,"

"Actually, I haven't. There's a million-"

"I know, I know! There's a million things you haven't done,"

For some reason, I still had way too many other dirty jokes in the back of my mind.

"You're impossible, I'm leaving," I grinned as he ran after me.

"We can always walk together, you know,"

I was satisfied.

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