The Race.

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Everyone who had sk8boards were hovering 200 feet in the air above the DreadNawt. The DreadNawt was on the dunes on a small dune between the tall dunes. Grandma Grey was piloting the B&B laying out the course on the dunes. The B&B was almost 90 degrees on its side. Every 500 yards Grandma Grey dropped a javelin shaped beacon into the ground, Ruby was handing the beacons over Grandma and Grandma dropped them into the sand. Grandma could turn the B&B on a dime if she wanted to, she was awesome. They dropped 33 beacons, every beacon shot a ray of red light up into the darkness. When they were done with the beacons Grandma Grey hovered the B&B 200 feet above the sk8ters and switched on the lights. The whole course was illuminated, the colors varied between red, orange and yellow. Grandma Grey and Ruby sk8ted down to the other sk8ters, Grandma explained it would be unfair on Ruby as Ruby couldn't see the other colors so she would only use colors Ruby could see today. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

The whole track was about ten miles around. The first race would be once around. The track started on the highest dune and ended there as well. The bar was in the middle on top of the DreadNawt. There was no liquor available on their trips but the barman was highly skilled at fizzies.

Granny Grey rode in front for the test round, Grandma made sure everyone struggled to keep up to her steroid boosted sk8board.

While the people not going to race were guiding the last of the huge speakers into their positions around the track everyone else glided over to the bar. The bar was almost 60 yards long and every imaginable kind of bottle was stashed against the shelf. Grandma went over the rules again.

The speakers weren't for commentary, they were for music, the barman was the DJ as well. Andy the barman also worked in the kitchen, he used magic in his drinks and some of the meals they served in the DreadNawt were also enhanced with magic.

Thirty sk8boarders were behind the line in the sand. Angie, the girl with the slightly injured ankle was next to Ruby. As soon as the music started they could go, everyone adjusted their dust goggles. As soon as the music started pumping everyone shot forward. Clouds of dust shot up and the people behind the leaders looked through the dust at the beacon light running into the sky. The lighting pulsed with the music and changed color as well to the music.

It was an adrenaline rush; the bass was pumping loudly, everyone sk8ted at top speed. One of the shorter girls cut off a boy on a turn and he went plowing to the side, he caught up again soon enough and sat on her ass and overtook her behind the short dune just after the halfway mark. Ruby finished last. The person who crossed last in the first race was removed from the race however Angie withdrew so Ruby was eligible for the second race.

Everyone went to the bar. Granny Grey worked with red magic on Angie's ankle. Ruby watched Granny Grey pump red magic into the ankle and saw the relief on the Angie's face. Some doctors just used ointment to do the same thing that Granny Grey was doing with magic.

Andy stood behind the counter, "We are going to have a 'burpy' in honor of Ruby, it's also red so she will be able to see it. Tonight you can order red, yellow or orange drinks, rules of the house.

He filled a huge bowl with a few bottles of something red. He stirred it with a huge spoon. He took some herbs out of another jar and magically made them hang in the air above the bowl. He spun around and made ice cold snow float around the herbs with ice magic.

He stood back, he pushed his hands closer to each other and the herbs compressed with the ice. He did some fast movement with his hands and hundreds of ice balls formed from the squashed ice, he let the ice balls drop into the bowl. More than thirty glasses dropped from the rack above the bar and landed in a row in front of him on the counter. He held his hands over the bowl and directed the red liquid with the ice blocks floating in the liquid over and into the glasses. When all the glasses were full and the bowl empty, all the glasses slid over in front of everyone at the bar.

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