You better hide

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Nineteen years, 7 months, 2 days and a few hours

Ruby finished her shower and dressed in front of the mirror where the client had a full view of her body. This particular client left a bigger tip that way. Her client was one of five partners in a big firm. Between the five of them they had a bet to see who could make her tattoo go light blue first.

Ruby was the best of all of Roxanne's girls, she was still in the big house and her car collection was nearly triple that of fifteen years ago. There was a waiting list of six months for her services and she provided any service they required, it was all the same to her.

In the entranceway the client said "It's a pity about Argon".

"What about Argon" she asked.

He answered "I thought you heard". "Argon was busted for selling wild shrooms, he also confessed to the murder of that girl called May".

Ruby gave him a soft kiss on the lips and closed the door behind him when he left.

Her hands started shaking. She walked into the kitchen and took out a meat knife, the sharp blade was as thin as a hair and flexible, it might pass through a metal detector. She slid the knife into her boot. Ruby found the crystal knife, it was just as sharp just shorter, she tucked the crystal knife into her other boot, that one would definitely pass through a metal detector.

Her hands started shaking even more, a tear formed in her eye, next there was a torrent of tears. Ruby started screaming. She ran to the front door and blew the door off its hinges with a blast of violet magic, her emotional switch was on again, Argon would be dead as soon as her hands pushed the blade through his heart.

At the police station she walked to the holding cells. At the entry door of the holding cells the guard stopped her. "Ruby, I know you want to go in there and I know you want to do bad things but we are going to have to search you first" the guard told her cautiously. "Why don't you wait until the sentencing tomorrow morning and rather go home now?"

After the search Ruby's knives and handbag were left on the table. She even had to take off her boots as the heels could do damage to a human being's body. Not 1 but 3 guards escorted Ruby to the cell, the boys knew this kind of situation. They had even clamped an anti-magic collar around her neck.

A guard stood behind the chair on which Ruby sat. Ruby watched Argon, the tears were running down her face slowly. Argon couldn't bear the silence anymore, he dropped his head in shame.

Ruby jumped towards him, the guard grabbed her away only after her nails had dug three trenches on Argons face. Two guards roughly escorted her out. Ruby dropped to her knees, wriggled out of the grip of the guards and attacked Argon again, now there were three more trenches on the other side of his face. The three guards now tied her up in a chair in the cell that was used for the drunkards to sleep it off in. After Ruby refused to stop screaming they gagged her with duct tape.

The next day 1 stood on the podium. He adjusted the microphone, the crowd went quiet. The whole clan was here.

1 lifted up a law book, 2 feet wide, 3 feet tall maybe 3 inches thick. "This is Law book 379", 1 held up the book for everyone to see. "Our policies regarding narcotics is extremely liberal, as it should be, there is however one and only one narcotic that carries the heaviest of penalties". 1 opened the book and read, "Law 37 of law book 379 states the following:

Wild shrooms may not be sold. The punishment for the sale of wild shrooms is 1000 years' hard labor. If death results from any sale of aforementioned narcotic the charge is murder, it is a statutory crime.

1 closed the book, "Mr. Narc gave testimony to the effect that Argon, son of 1 sold wild shrooms" Argon said speaking of himself in the third person. "Argon's sentence is 1000 years hard labor". "Argon confessed to the sale of the wild shrooms to May and also pleaded guilty to the murder charge".

1 picked up the second law book. 1 spoke informally. "The law books are generally arranged according to severity". The first book generally has the most serious laws". "I want to read you the first law, it's the most important". 1 read the law out aloud, "Love is love, let it not be biased by color, creed or gender, let no one try and break apart those that are bonded by love".

"Law 2". "Life is precious, if a person be murdered the murderer shall be sentenced to 1000 years hard labor and then shall be executed according to the wishes of the family of the murdered individual". "If the family wish the death sentence to be the slowest of torture or a painless death, the method of death will be chosen by the family".

1 looked up and spoke to the crowd. "The reason the law allowed for a 1000 year period of hard labor is because life is so precious, it allows forgiveness as well". 1 continued reading "At the end of the 1000 year period the murderer may be forgiven by the family and be released from prison with no ill will by any".

1 spoke again. "Ruby and May were bonded according to clan law thus forgiveness is in Ruby's hands". "The 1000 year sentences will run concurrently, at the end of the hard labor Argon shall be executed or freed according to the will of Ruby".

1 finished, "So says the law".

"So says the law" the crowd replied loudly. The crowd spoke amongst themselves.

The bruised and battered Argon was dragged off the stage. The security people dragged him roughly away without a second thought if they were hurting him or not.

When the hover-transport left with Argon 1 came over to where Ruby had been tied in the chair. 1 pulled the duct tape off her mouth and unclipped the 'anti-magic' collar around her neck. 1 kneeled in front of the chair and untied Ruby. 1 stood up and waited for Ruby, he was exceptionally nervous about what Ruby would do next, Ruby could lash out and kill him with magic if she wanted to.

Ruby just stood up and held 1. Then Ruby started crying and didn't let it stop. 1 held her and didn't say a word. Ruby was now trapped in her sorrow.

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