Time Palace

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All the rich and famous were at the unveiling. Speed-freaks, the curious and ship enthusiasts made up the rest of the huge crowd.

Vivian went up to the podium. He wore a simple white shirt with a really ugly brown tie. He tapped his finger against the mic and started speaking:

Hi everyone. Hi 1.

This ship took 9 months build and commission.

Lights lit up the huge ship that was covered by a huge pale purple silken sheet.

"Maw must have worked her spiders halfway to death to make the enormous sheet" Ruby thought to herself. May was groping her butt as they were standing near the podium. Ruby gently took the groping hand and held it softly behind her back. Her tattoo on her back was pulsing a slow red.

Vivian continued:

The ship is 600 Yards long, looking similar to square tubing tapering smaller as it goes forward. It's damn ugly but boy does the lady move. It has a drivers nest above the back of the ship which looks over the top of the whole ship. The instrumentation is brilliantly designed and there is place for a co driver in the nest. Okay Grandma Grey do your thing.

The silk sheet floated up high and exploded into fireworks that lit up the whole sky. After the fireworks disappeared Ruby saw Grandma Grey in the drivers nest. Grandma Grey turned the ship and twisted it while it was turning so everyone could get a better view. The lights lit up the whole ship except a small portion at the back of the ship where the name was.

Vivian continued:

The name of the ship is.

The name lit up, it was called 'Mayflower'. There was a huge picture of May in front of the name. May jumped up and down excitedly and gave Ruby a quick kiss. The applause died down.

Vivian continued:

The boys wanted her painted sideways in her bikini but I didn't approve the idea.

The audience laughed out loud.


Now Grandma Grey and Ruby, you can't race each other, the top speed of both your ships is regulated to just under the point where the ships will disintegrate and they are both regulated at exactly the same speed. The other ships however are not.

10 smaller ships flew up from their domed cells on top of the ship and flew slowly around the Mayflower.

Vivian continued:

These ten ships also assist in the harvesting of the crystals; radar on the Mayflower has been extended to 50 miles effectively giving you 100 mile wide strips in your search pattern. These babies are almost six times faster than the Mayflower. Ruby, I am sure as you walk out of here tonight you are going to have hundreds of speedsters asking to come and work for you. You are welcome to race in them, they are governed to slow down as soon as a maximum vibrational frequency is reached. In other words – the smoother you fly the speedster the faster she goes, drive bumpy and she will squat on her haunches until your horrid shaking hands calm down.

The audience laughed. Vivian spoke for a few minutes then a cork popped somewhere and everyone started drinking.

The party went on for hours. Much later in the evening Grandma Grey sneaked Ruby and May out of the party and onto the Mayflower. Grandma Grey stood between the seats while Ruby flew the ship slowly to the DreadNawt. After they dropped Grandma off Ruby asked May, "Want to ride in the ship or make love at home".

"Make love" was May's answer.

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