Tied up in gear.

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Decades passed quickly.

One night at about 8PM Maw telepathed to Ruby. "There are six babies that need saving in Lagoon, you have to go and fetch them now or else they will die" Maw telepathed. Maw explained her plan while Ruby headed to 1's place. At 1's place she told 1 she needed a Hazmat suit to go and save the babies. 1 asked how Ruby would know where it was, "Maw is going to direct me" Ruby answered. Ruby gave 1 other instructions from Maw, a lot of things had to be arranged for quickly, 1 just said "Life is precious Ruby; I will do whatever I can for you and for the babies".

On the roof of Silkwood she sk8ted up to one of the speedsters of the Mayflower, Ruby needed the speed to get to Lagoon and the speedsters were 6 times faster than the Mayflower. Ruby sat in the pilot's seat and switched on the power to number 10. As the engine was warming up Ruby focused in Calistherm and Indigo, she magically ripped out the co-driver's seat and lifted the seat up and out of number 10. The seat fell on the deck of the Mayflower. Ruby put the Hazmat suit on and left the helmet on the floor next to the driver's seat.

The tattoo on her temple glowed red and Maw would be with Ruby albeit telepathically for the rest of the rescue operation.

Ruby launched number 10 into the darkness of the Abyss forcing the acceleration of number 10 to plaster her into the driver's seat for more than 1 minute before the speed leveled off. Maw directed the trajectory of number 10 upwards and Ruby sat back. It was going to be 8 hours of full speed monotony in pitch black darkness to reach Lagoon. Ruby sincerely wished 1 and Maw would be able to get everything ready in time to save the babies.

8 hours later in the darkness Ruby saw the Abyss wall coming up; soon Ruby was directing the speedster towards the huge opening in the wall that had been called Lagoon. Ruby had travelled thousands of miles to get here. Ruby put on the helmet of the hazmat suit.

Ruby slowed down the speedster and looked on the dunes for the doctor. She saw the shiny hazmat suit in Essvee and headed for the doctor. On the tall dune was the doctor, 7 parcels and a Queen spider of glowing neon red. "So this is one of Maw's queens" Ruby thought to herself, the Queen and the doctor must have been communicating telepathically and that's how Maw had received the call for help from Lagoon.

Ruby landed number 10 on a sand dune and walked on the wing to the dune where the wing of number 10 was stuck into the dune. Ruby recognized the doctor immediately; the doctor apologized up front for his rudeness and said he was going to die within the hour. He handed her a package wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic and said "That's all my notes about the plague, there are samples and slides in there as well. Ruby and the doctor placed the six cocoon shaped life support systems for the babies into the place where the co-driver's seat in number 10 had been. The Queen spider left and ran into the darkness as Ruby took off in number 10; the doctor was standing next to Ruby in the now open cockpit.

Ruby took the doctor to the area where town had been. Every building in the community was burning and all the forests of Lagoon had been set alight. Ruby landed near the hospital and watched the doctor walk into the burning hospital; Ruby was still in shock as she saw the doctor fall and his Hazmat suit start burning. Ruby pressed the button to bring in the dome of number 10, she looked at the 6 babies in their life support cocoons, they had been put into a deep sleep and would wake in about 8 hours and then they were going to be hungry. Ruby told Maw she was on her way and flew away from the burning paradise into the Abyss. As the speedster moved into the Abyss the sunlight started and Ruby guided number 10 downwards.

Ruby was glad the clan was further down in the Abyss; she could get more speed out of number 10 on the downward return journey. 6 hours later Ruby was nearing the Abyss where the clan was. Silkwood was hovering in the Abyss five hundred miles from the wall. All the ships had been taken off the roof of Silkwood. It looked like Maw had all her male spiders seal every part of Silkwood where air could go in or out of her home with silk except for the door leading into the main entrance hall. Ruby hovered number 10 next to the veranda at the door, the wing of number 10 was hovering about 1 foot above the veranda. May and Amore came out from the main entrance hall and took the babies in their life support cocoons from Ruby as she carried them out of the cockpit of the speedster.

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