Hawaiian Chance

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It was the Monday morning after the launch of the Mayflower. Ruby was itching to go and do the interviews but everyone in the clan was instructed to be in the square this morning.

1 went to the podium and started talking:

"Hello everyone.

The scouts delivered their final reports yesterday. The rainy season is almost here so we have to move. I have read the recommendations of the scout leader and was given a choice of three locations. All three are ideal and cater for everyone's needs. The choice is mine and mine alone as I am father of this clan.

The ideal place is a mere 15 miles down and 200 miles counterclockwise in the Abyss, so that means we launch after breakfast and land before lunch. It is an excellent option.

But as per usual I try do a thorough job as guardian of all of you. I found one report, I quote from it, "The lagoon is fricking awesome". (The whole crowd laughed).

I went through the whole report and now have a favor to ask from all of you. As you all know Jill is pregnant.

I looked at 'Lagoon' as I called it. It has a lagoon, a tropical paradise, the lagoon is so big we can all park our homes and businesses around the lagoon. Everyone, I repeat everyone will have a view from the lagoon at home and at work.

There will even be enough land for everyone to farm around the lagoon as well. Mr. Math said there will be at least 10 miles between each building and we can put town on the central island so everyone will be at least a minimum of 50 miles from the island. So it basically means commuting to work is going to take much longer and it will be an inconvenience to most of you.

There are no surface metals or minerals and apparently the Dark Zone may be short of many fruits. This means everyone is going to have to buckle up.

Mr. Storeman has confirmed we have enough of everything for fifteen years so the clan won't suffer at all if we go to Lagoon.

So I ask the clan this. We will fish and hunt and farm and live in paradise for a year. I ask for permission for my child to be born in paradise. I feel selfish for asking this but I wish to have a year of paradise for me, my wife to be and my child. Everyone who is in favor say AYE".

Every soul in the square shouted out "AYE".

"Anyone against" 1 asked and looked at the crowd. The silence gave its respect to 1 as well.

"So it is folks" 1 said smiling, "We leave in exactly two weeks, so everyone pack up and make sure everything that flies is airworthy, if you have any problems come see me".

The crowd gave a huge cheer and then the crowd dispersed slowly.

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