(Labor Pains - Song to be decided)

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It was the third day in lagoon. 1 had called a meeting with Ruby, Argon and Vivian. May had joined Ruby and Mr. Math the clan Mentat was there to assist 1. They sat in a smaller meeting room in the council building.

1 said they had to create a lot of jobs as the surface miners were out of work. Mr. Math had evaluated all existing work contracts and noted that Ruby and Vivian had the opportunity to create work for a lot of people.

Silkwood was meant to be built over a period of 30 years. Ruby had already paid upfront so the money was there. Instead of 2 teams building one level at a time they could use 2 teams per level so it could create a lot of work.

Vivian said he didn't have any big ships that needed building, he had a lot of cash to pay for labor but there were no orders for anything big enough.

May was a Mentat and looked over Mr. Math's projections while the others were talking. May asked to have a private conversation with 1 and everyone was asked to leave the room.

Ruby and Vivian were standing at a window looking out at the lagoon; they watched a flock of orange birds rise up and take flight. This was truly paradise. 1 was lately starting to behave like 'I'm going to be a daddy soon, should I be nervous" and had people check in on Jill constantly.

After half an hour they walked back into the meeting room again.

1 explained the idea May had discussed with him in private. Mr. Math was going through May's projections that had been roughly scribbled over a few pages.

May had suggested 9 teams per level for Silkwood, 3 shifts of 3 teams around the clock, Silkwood was 1 mile wide and 1 mile long after all, half of everything needed was already stored somewhere and all the other needed things could be built in time with extra labor from the suppliers. May had also wanted 6 teams per shift specifically for the Main entrance hall. 1 would personally oversee the Main entrance hall. That was the basics of the plan, Silkwood would be completed in 7 months. The clan treasury would cover the overtime.

Then 1 pissed Ruby off. He commandeered all her ships including the Mayflower, "We need them Ruby, this level has so little in the dark region that we need to scout every day for anything that can help, I did warn everyone that we would have to buckle up". "It's my income" Ruby said angrily, "my livelihood, my bank account is in the red". "I understand your problem Ruby" 1 said.

Just as Ruby was going to shout May put her hand onto Ruby's clenched fist. Ruby angrily looked at May and said "That was also your Idea I suppose" Ruby said.

"Outside now" May said to her. May pulled Ruby out of the meeting.

When May and Ruby were standing outside on the landing on the side of the Abyss a rainbow had formed in the Abyss.

May asked for five minutes of Ruby's time without interruption. Ruby reluctantly agreed and they both sat on the wooden bench and looked at the huge rainbow in the Abyss. Ruby stared at the rainbow; May turned sideways and looked at Ruby. Ruby moved her hand away when May had tried to touch her hand.

May spoke:

"Ruby, I've been with a lot of women and even been drugged up and high enough to be with few men as well. I've been in love many times; at least I thought so until I met you.

The first time I put that cream on your back and your tattoo glowed I saw something that didn't make sense. My mind is the mind of a Mentat Ruby. I look at numbers and make them dance in my mind, I can turn them, twist them and make the numbers do my bidding. The talent I have is so rare that maybe 1 in a million people have it. I look at my world through numbers. Everything has a place. You also have a place.

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