Part 3: Apologize

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Peter can't stop talking about his day at school, he asks you every question that he knows the answer along the way to your house. You can't concentrate on Peter words and just think how stupid you are with Tony Stark. You are feeling guilty and so stupid. What on your mind now is too angry at Kate and how to apologize to Tony Stark. You are out of the line when you mention his mother. You don't like being hit by someone you just know, but bringing that guy mother is yes, really out of line. You arrived at your house and let Peter come in first, Peter just goes upstairs to his room and you go to the living room to see kate watching TV. You throw a pillow to her to draw her attention.

K: Ouch! What is wrong with you?

Y/n: Argh! it is all your fault.

K: Sorry? How am I suddenly being the one who is guilty? All I did is just watching TV. What happened?

Y/n: Do you remember what you said about Tony Stark this morning?

K: Well yeah...quite a bit. Why? Did you meet him again this afternoon?!

Y/n: I did.

K: OMG, He does hitting on you! Go find your best dress for tomorrow, you must...

You stop kate words with another pillow on her face.

Y/n: Shut up Kate. What I want to tell you is that you are wrong.

K: what do you mean wrong? He comes back this afternoon to meet you again.

Y/n: No, that is not his reason to come to the school. Tony Stark does have a son. He did drop off his son at school this morning and he picked up his son this afternoon.

K: You are 100 percent sure about this? You are not hallucinating, right?

Y/n: Should I call Peter and ask him if I was hallucinating about his new friend named Kevin? No, Of course not! I'm Sober. I saw Kevin run to Tony Stark, called him dad and hug him. Need another proof?


Y/n: No, no Kate. No spreading the news. That will make me feel even more guilty.

K: Guilty? What did you do to him? I wish is not something so naughty for a mommy.

Y/n: Oh God, I was out of the line back there. Really out of the line. And that is because of you.

K: Why me?

Y/n: Because you are the one who put the idea of Tony Stark hitting on me and make me feel confident about it. I talk about it with him and before he explained that my statement is wrong because he did just want to drop off his son, I already rejected him. I even ask him if he respects his mother or not, so he will realize that it is not good for flirting with a mother. That is just lead to the stupidest conversation ever and make me feel guilty to mention his mother.

Kate just laughs out loud after hearing you talk about what happened this afternoon. She even crying on her laugh.

K: You what?! You reject him and he doesn't even have the intention to hit or date on you?! HAHAHA what a funny situation!

Y/n: Shut up, it is not funny Kate.

K: Oh it is fun, believe me. Reject a man with no intention to ask you out. You are just too confident.

Y/n: Yeah because of you! You make me feel the idea is right, so I did reject him before he can continue - what I think as - his flirting! and mention that he respects his mother or not? That is the worse. Where should I put my face if I meet him again?

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