Part 18: Pepper

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You lay on the bed as you are taking a rest and Tony is on your room, almost finish installing everything needed for J.A.R.V.I.S to exist in the house.

T: J.A.R.V.I.S?

J: Hallo, Mr. Stark.

T: How are we here? Everything is good?

J: I feel good and working well. I think you installed me nicely.

T: Nicely? It is more Excellency.

You smile as you hear him and J.A.R.V.I.S talking. Tony tested several things, and every test is succeed.

T: Alright... everything is done. Keep me inform if (y/n) needs anything.

J: Absolutely, Mr. Stark.

Y/n: Hello, J.A.R.V.I.S.

J: Hello, Ms.(l/n). It is an honor for me to be here. Thank you for letting me in your house.

Y/n: No problem, you are welcome here.

J: Do you need anything for now, Ms. (l/n)?

Y/n: I don't. Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S. I will call you later.

J: Later, Ms.(l/n).

After that, J.A.R.V.I.S seems not there but you know that if you call him, he will be there. Tony is still standing in the middle of the room, he is still playing with the device. He is probably do something for J.A.R.V.I.S.

Y/n: Aren't you done?

T: I am... just a little more... and... done.

Y/n: Then you can lay here on the bed, I guess.

Tony looks at you and he smiles at you. He knows you are being flirty with him, you want him close. You want him so bad. He is so attractive after he is working hard.

T: Really? I'm okay to just rest on the couch.

He is playing hard to get.

Y/n: You are right but the bed is better.

T: Why?

Y/n: Cause it has me.

Tony smirk and he went to the door. He closes it and locked it. You just smile seeing him. He walks towards you.

T: You know what you are going into right?

Y/n: I know it very well.

T: Doesn't it break a rules of something?

Y/n: Well... I can talk about it with Kate. I never break any rules before.

T: How about the kids?

Y/n: They are going out with Kate to the grocery store.

Tony is in front of you now. You stand up and take his hand, bring him closer to you.

T: Really?

Y/n: They are. They go to buy some groceries.

T: There are only the two of us, then?

Y/n: Indeed.

Tony smiles at you and a second later he kisses you. Gentle at first and it become more passionate. He leads you to lay on the bed, without breaking the kiss. You put your hand around his neck as he is on top of you now. His hand hold his body, so it doesn't fall onto your body. He must be careful for the baby. You and him don't stop kissing, you inhale oxygen between those kisses. He begins to kiss your neck when his phone is suddenly ringing. Tony doesn't stop and you want him not to stop, but the phone is ringing several time. You stops Tony by cupped his head and put it in front of yours.

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