Part 22: The Wedding Planner

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It has been a week since Peter knows about Alex and since the first news of you and Tony is out. You sit on your couch and watching the TV, you don't go to work because you feel so sick this morning. The baby acts up again. Peter went to school with Kate.

You watched the TV and you found that the TV is full of you and Tony's news. You thought the news will be past soon but it is not. Your news is still the hottest one in the world. Yes, now it is in the world not only in America.

Every entertainment news has the picture of you and Tony. Fortunately, the only picture they show is the picture on the magazine and the picture is only show the left side of yours. They haven't found out who you are yet. You and Tony keep it low by not going out in the public together.

In the news, everyone make their own assumption about you and Tony's relationship. They said that it is just an accident, a way for you to be famous by using Tony or even Tony really falls for you. You are quite happy when someone assumed that, meaning that there are people who support you with Tony. You just smile at the news but you can also feel anxious. You are afraid what will come next. The press is scary even without you know them first.

You keep changing channel until one channel catch your attention. Tony is on it. You can see he gets off his car and the press are already all around him. You can see Happy has trouble to make the space for Tony. The press start yelling their question for Tony.

-Mr. Stark, who is the woman that is together with you?

- Does it mean that you and Pepper are really over?

-Mr. Stark, Why are you out from a hospital with her? is she really pregnant? You are going to be a father?

-Mr. Stark, are you intentionally or accidentally have a relationship with her?

You can see that Tony is trying to stay still and doesn't answer any question. He just smiles and says 'hi' to the reporter. He tries not to say anything and enter the building. Tony disappears from the screen and the screen now is only show the reporters that are still on the place.

Your phone is ringing and you can see Tony's name on the screen.

Y/n: Hey.

T: Hey. Happy told me that you were not dropping Peter today and J.A.R.V.I.S reported to me that you are at home. Are you okay?

Y/n: I feel a little bit nauseous this morning.

T: The baby acts up again? Is it bad?

Y/n: I think it is still normal, I just need time to rest a little bit.

T: Should Happy pick up Kevin and Peter today?

Y/n: No... no need. I will feel better in the afternoon. It is only 'morning' sickness.

T: You sure?

Y/n: Yeah, and I guess the baby acts up again because he missed his father.

T: Well, is it the baby or the mommy?

Y/n: Maybe, both.

You can hear Tony chuckles a bit.

T: I will be home soon, I just need to see Cap a little bit.

Y/n: Okay. Btw... you look good today. I love the suit and sunglasses.

T: I always look good. Wait... how do you know I wear a suit and sunglasses?

Y/n: I saw you on TV.

T: Did you just watch the news about us?

Y/n: Well... I'm bored, and the channel is only full of you and me, so... I just watched you enter the Avengers Tower and now it is repeated on every channel.

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