Part 24: Reason

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T: Hey baby, wake up. It's Morning. 

Tony strokes your head as you can feel sunlight hit your eyes. You adjust your eyes to the sunlight and you can see Tony. You don't remember he joined you in bed last night. The last thing you remember is Kate's confession about Steve and Natasha. It is shocking news but Kate asked you to keep it for yourself for now, because they may have a reason why they don't tell it to the Avengers yet. You also asked J.A.R.V.I.S to keep this conversation from Tony or the Avengers.  

T: I hate to wake you up, but it is time to move out. 

Y/n: Hmm... I know. Did you not sleep last night? I don't remember you join me last night.

T: I didn't. I worked with J.A.R.V.I.S to get the fake wedding planner as soon as possible and watch over the house.

Y/n: With Matthew?

T: No. He comes home around midnight. I stay awake by myself.

Y/n: Do you get any results?  

T: Not for now.

Y/n: You must be very tired. Why don't you lay down here for a minute while I make breakfast?

T: Why don't you just join me? I think we have some time before everyone found your house.

Tony smiles at you and jumps into bed. He puts his arms around you and kisses your forehead.

T: You smell nice in the morning.

Y/n: I always smell nice.

T: I know.

You can feel Tony is smiling.

T: How are you feeling today? Are you nauseous again?

Y/n: No... I think the baby doesn't want to make any scene on a moving day.

T: or... because I'm here. He got what he wants, so he stops protesting to you.

Y/n: Probably.

You and Tony look at your belly. Tony strokes your little bump belly and you joined his hand.

T: He is fine, right?

Y/n: Yeah... he is fine. Don't worry.

T: I will keep all of you safe.

Y/n: I know.

You smile and then you bring yourself a little bit closer to Tony, make yourself comfortable in his arms. His breath makes you calm. Suddenly the thought of Cap cheating is hitting your mind. If an innocent like Cap can cheat, how about Tony that has a history as a playboy? He said he will not do that but somehow it is still making you worried.

Y/n: Tony?

T: Hmm?

Y/n: You will not cheat on me right?

You can feel Tony's body is stiffened. He must be surprised to get this kind of question in the morning. He makes you look into his eyes.

T: Why would I?

Y/n: Because you may be bored of me or-

T: Stop. If I ever think of that, there must be something wrong with my head or I've gone crazy.

Y/n: Then do you promise me you will always be with me?

T: I promise, (y/n). I will always be with you.

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