Part 6: Closer

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Sorry for the late update!


It is Friday, Peter and Kevin just out of school when he told you that his group project with Kevin is a big success. The teacher says that their project is the best.

P: It is awesome. I think me and Kevin owe J.A.R.V.I.S. so much!

You look at Peter and Kevin faces, they are really happy about it.

Ke: We will give J.A.R.V.I.S something!

P: we can share this chocolate!

You look at chocolate that Peter and Kevin receive as a gift. You just smile at both of them, they are so cute.

Ke: but J.A.R.V.I.S can't eat it.

P: Oh yeah... I forgot about that.

Kevin looks sad and Peter too. You smile at their sad face. Then you remember Tony. Tony could probably make J.A.R.V.I.S taste the chocolate.

Y/n: he can't eat it but he can taste it. Will that be enough?

P: How?

Y/n: I think we could ask Kevin's dad.

You smile at Kevin and Kevin smile at you brightly.

Ke: Oh yeah! Dad can probably make that possible. He can make J.A.R.V.I.S doing everything!

P: Let's ask Mr. Stark, now!

Kevin's face suddenly becomes sad and you don't know what is wrong again.

Y/n: what happened, Kevin? Why are you sad again?

Ke: I forgot... Dad is not at home for this past 2 weeks.

P: oh.... we can't share the chocolate now.

Y/n: Well... I think J.A.R.V.I.S wouldn't mind waiting for the chocolate. He will happy to just hear your project is the best and thank you from both of you.

P: Can I go now? To Kevin's house? I want to say thank you to J.A.R.V.I.S

Ke: Yeah, Can Peter go?

You look at both of them and they are really hoping you will say yes. You just thought what Kevin said that he is alone at his house, and you remember what Tony said at the dinner. Kevin may want Peter to play with him. You says yes since tomorrow is also a holiday for them. Today is the last day of school.

Y/n: Yeah, of course.

P & Ke: Yeah!

You look at both of them and smile. They are so happy. You see Happy is arrived and then you let Peter go with Happy. You said to him that you will pick Peter up and they should probably being supervised. You can't go with them since you have an appointment with one of your client. Happy just say yes to you, and you saw the car go down the street.

After you finished your works with client, you directly go to Tony's house to pick up Peter. You rang the door but this time no Peter or Kevin welcomed you, the door it just open by itself. You walk in and J.A.R.V.I.S welcomed you.

J: Good Evening, Mrs. (L/n)

Y/n: Good Evening, J.A.R.V.I.S. Why is it so quiet? Where are the kids?

J: They are sleeping. I think they are too tired since they share all of the stories happen at school today and play all day.

Y/n: did they tell you that their project is the best?

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