Part 28: Patience

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As soon as you said that, you can see his looks changes. He looks shocked, can't believe what he heard and you're giving him a fuel to make him more upset with you.

T: Are you being serious right now? You just want to run away after all that happened and leaving me alone at the time like this?

Y/n: Did you heard what you just said?!

You are holding your tears and glare at him.

T: You don't deserve to make that decision.

Y/n: I deserve to decide what I think is best for us.

T: Well, look where that took us! You know better than anyone, that every decision you made, leading us to this very moment.  I don't let you make any ridiculous decision again for us, Kevin and Peter. We are not taking a break.

Tony turns his back on you and wants to leave you in the kitchen when you say something to him and make him stops.

Y/n: We are taking a break, you like it or not.

You walk past Tony and storm into his bedroom, packing all your stuff and go to Kevin's room to pack Peter's stuff. Tony stops you on your way to the elevator.

T: Give me the bag, you are not going anywhere. We are not taking a damn break!

Y/n: You're clearly not hearing what I said. We are taking a break, you like it or not!

You walked past him and he grabs your wrist again, stopping you walk away from him.

T: You can't just run away every time you have problem in your relationship! First Alex, now me?!

Y/n: Maybe I just met with the wrong person twice! First, the one that cheated on me and second, who blames me for everything instead of getting it through together!

There is a silence for a while and Tony lets go of your hand. He clearly also has enough of you.

T: I always want to get it through together with you, but you... always want to solve it by yourself. Don't you realize it? and In the end, I will always the one who takes the impact. Just like now.

You look at his eyes and you can see disappointment and sadness in his eyes. Deep in your heart, he is right. In the end, Tony is the one who get every impact.

Tony shakes his head and turns his back on you. He walks into his room and close the door. You stay there for a while, processing again what Tony just said, holding back your tears and calm yourself down. This is clearly the worst ever happened to you and Tony.

You are going back to the kitchen and look at your engagement ring. You are thinking of leaving the engagement ring and be gone, but then the thought of living without Tony comes. Even for a while, it will be hard for you because Tony is someone you need more than anyone now. You look at the door of his bedroom, thinking what he is thinking and what he feels right now. He must be more devastated than you.

You take the engagement ring back and put it on your finger. You put your bag back to Kevin's room because you can't go to Tony's room yet. He needs a time alone, so do you.


It's been three days after your big fight with Tony. He still doesn't talk to you and you can't speak up either. He just come out of the room to get his drink or food. He just walk past you if he meets you. Even Kate cannot give her advice right now other than to give each other space. Tony doesn't let you leave but he also doesn't ready to resolve the big fight or talk to you. Not be able to be beside Tony, hold him, kiss him and intimate with him, it's torture, but you convince yourself that it's the best for now to have a time alone. It might also your punishment for everything that happened.

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